Hucho taimen - Wikipedia
Siberian taimen (Hucho taimen), also known as the common taimen (Russian: Обыкнове́нный тайме́нь, romanized:Obyknovénnyĭ taĭménʹ), Siberian giant trout or Siberian salmon, is a species of salmon -like ray-finned fish from the genus Hucho in the family Salmonidae.
Taimen | Fly Fishing for Taimen in Mongolia
If one enjoys the challenge of interacting with extremely big trout in beautiful places, there’s absolutely nothing more fascinating than fly-fishing for taimen. Other big salmonids feed primarily in the ocean and then lurk in freshwater waiting to spawn.
Fish Facts: Siberian Taimen (Hucho taimen) - Orvis News
Sep 6, 2022 · A true river monster, the taimen (Hucho taimen)—also known as the Siberian taimen—can grow to proportions that seem incredible to your average trout fishermen. Whereas John Gierach once wrote about “trout as long as your leg,” taimen can grow as long as your whole body, over six feet, and the largest recorded specimen weighed in at 231 ...
Taimen, facts and photos - National Geographic
Hucho taimen, also known as the Siberian or Mongolian taimen, is the largest member of the salmonid family, which includes trout and salmon. It can grow six feet long, even bigger than the...
All About Taimen - Fly Fisherman
Oct 1, 2021 · Taimen (Hucho taimen), simply put, are the world’s largest salmonid, which includes all species of trout, salmon, char, grayling, and whitefish. According to National Geographic, they get up to a whopping 230 pounds and 80 inches, but a trophy is usually considered anything over 50 inches in length.
Hucho - Wikipedia
Hucho is a genus of large piscivorous salmonid fish known as taimens (from Finnish taimen, 'trout', through Russian: тайме́нь, romanized: taĭménʹ), and is closely related to Pacific trout and lenoks (all belonging to the same tribe in the subfamily Salmoninae).
Taimen - How To Catch Any Fish
Taimen are a rare and majestic fish found in river drainages from Eastern Europe to China. They are the largest members of the Salmonidae family, which includes Salmon and Trout. The largest Taimen ever recorded was caught in Russia in 1943 and weighed an incredible 231lbs.
The Taimen of Russia's Tugur River - Fly Fisherman
Nicknamed the “Taimen Tsar,” Abramov has created a unique fishery for giant taimen in Russia's Far East where the Tugur River—and its two tributaries, the Konin and the Munikan—are guarded and protected.
Trout Mongolia
Every taimen you encounter – whether you miss it or land it – will create a lasting memory. Mongolia is a world-class trout-fishing destination. We have explored every major taimen and trout river in the country and personally selected what we believe to be the finest fly angling rivers.
Taimen | Fly Fishing for Taimen in Mongolia - Mongolia River …
Taimen are the biggest and baddest of all trout species. They are top-tier predators. They own the river. These fish attack ducklings, mice, and even gophers swimming in the river. We often see taimen plow across the surface charging trout. A big fish will drive a …