DIG DUG aka Taizo Hori: The Man with the Giant Drill
May 15, 2013 · The Dig Dug universe and some of its characters appear in the Mr. Driller games, starring Taizo Hori's son, Susumu. Additionally, he is also a playable character in the Japan only RPG, Namco X Capcom. Namco c ompilations That include Dig Dug-Namco Museum 64 November 29, 1999 Namco Museum (GBA) November 29, 1999
Hero from the Underground,Taizo Hori (Dig Dug guy) for DLC
Jul 16, 2015 · Taizo Hori: the protagonist of the classic arcade game known as "Dig Dug". He his an arcade legends and along with the Mr.Driller series starring his son, he has been on a multitude of platforms most of which have been Nintendo branded. Armed with a pump this white clade driller digs into the...
Work In Progress Can you dig it? Taizo Hori (Dig Dug) for Smash ...
Oct 31, 2018 · Taizo Hori: the protagonist of the classic arcade game known as "Dig Dug". He his an arcade legends and along with the Mr.Driller series starring his son, he has been on a multitude of platforms most of which have been Nintendo branded.
make a crossover fighter with [INSERT IP HERE]. - Smashboards
Dec 8, 2021 · Namco Royale! Pac-Man (Pac-Man) Ghost Gang Ms. Pac-Man Professor Pac-Man Toc-Man Pac-Man 2 Gyaraga (Galaga) Boss Galaga Taizo Hori (Dig Dug) Pooka Fygar Mr. Driller Mappy (Mappy) Goro and Mewkies Acha (Toy Pop) Valkyrie (The Legend of Valkyrie) Whirlo Car (Rally-X) Red Baron (Sky Kid) Tank...
SmashBoards Creates: A Namco Platform-Fighter
Jun 7, 2023 · Taizo Hori and The Prince of All Cosmos (ssbashworld) Rick Taylor and Lloyd Irving (Me) Klonoa (DragonRobotKing26) Taira no Kagekiyo and Don-Chan (KneeOfJustice99) Bravoman and The King of All Cosmos (tonygameman) Vote for your Top 3 for both classic and modern characters. You can self-vote, but not in 1st place. 1. Taira no Kagekiyo 2. Klonoa ...
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)
Dec 25, 2020 · Here are our submissions! Cress Albane The protagnist of the the first ever Tales game, Tales of Phantasia. This would be a swordfighter costume and would give the mii his outfit. Alphen (Tales of Arise) Alphen is a protagonist of Tales of …
Massive Crossover Fighting Game Roster. - Smashboards
Aug 13, 2015 · What originally got me into games like Smash and MvC was the amazing cast of characters. I always loved the idea of being able to smackdown Mario with Pikachu, or destroy Spiderman with Megaman. Hearing all this DLC discussion around here has made me realize how many 3rd party characters I want...
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bandai Namco DLC Discussion!
Dec 6, 2018 · Yo! So I made this thread to support the Bandai Namco characters as dlc for ultimate. (If there's a thread like this already, let me know i'll take this down.) I wanna be clear that I do think we will get a Namco rep. as dlc. For 2 reasons, Bandai …
The ‘Would you rather have in smash?’ game thread
Mar 19, 2018 · Pooka over Taizo If Smash for 3DS and Smash for Wii U were developed by two different studios, which WYR happen? Sakurai and his team develop the 3DS version, while another studio develops the Wii U version; Another studio develops the 3DS version, while Sakurai and his team develop the Wii U version
A game about the Triforce arcade board... - Smashboards
3: Taizo Hori 4: Klonoa 5: Valkyrie 6: Nightmare 7: Bravoman 8: Mappy 9: Prince of the Cosmos 10: Mr. Driller I'd imagine that it would be significantly less than 60 characters, which is why only 10 characters per company were added. Trust me, it was hard not to snub one franchise because another one deserved another character.