TATA IIIC - About IIIC - Google Sites
Tata IIIC is a one-stop centre providing Integrated industrial training on technical and skill development in collaboration with JEC to communities close to where they live as part of a...
Jyothi Engineering College prepares students to become T-Shaped professionals, i.e., professionals who have in-depth expertise in their discipline as well as a breadth of competencies required in the twenty-first century. Industry seeks engineers with these skills.
TATA IIIC - Google Sites
Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre (IIIC) Jyothi Engineering College prepares students to become T-Shaped professionals, i.e., professionals who have in-depth expertise in their...
TATA IIIC - Courses - Google Sites
TATA IIIC. Home. About IIIC. Courses. Activities. Calendar. News. Facilities. Gallery. IIIC Team. Contact IIIC. More. Courses. 120 Hours TA TA Certif ied Courses. Product Design & Development • Overview of Product Design and Development Process • Market Research & Competitive Strategy, ...
TATA-JYOTHI IIIC - jeccac.in
tata-jyothi iiic Jyothi Engineering College prepares students to become T-Shaped professionals, i.e., professionals who have in-depth expertise in their discipline as well as a breadth of competencies required in the twenty-first century.
Thrissur college to set up first IIIC in South India - The Hindu
Sep 2, 2020 · Tata Group and Jyothi Engineering College, Cheruthuruthy, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to set up an Integrated Industrial and Incubation Centre (IIIC) at the college.
IEEE | Jyothi Engineering College (JEC), Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur
IEEE develops and participates in educational activities such as accreditation of electrical engineering programmes in institutions of higher learning. A unit of IEEE functions in our college and our members take active part in its programmes. HUB level and National level programmes are organized in the college.
TATA - JYOTHI IIIC(Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre)In Association With TATA Technologies#TATATechnologies #tata #IIIC #T Professional #JyothiEngineer...
TATA IIIC - IIIC Team - Google Sites
The first IIIC by TATA group in South India is now in Kerala.
Sep 3, 2020 · The TATA group and Jyothi Engineering College, cheruthuruthy, thrissur have signed a memorandum of understanding to set up an Integrated Industrial and Incubation Centre(IIIC) in the college...