Why did Thorongil warn Ecthelion against the White Wizard?
Thorongil often warned Ecthelion not to put trust in Saruman the White in Isengard, but to welcome rather Gandalf the Grey. Appendix B, "The Tale of Years", tells us, 2957-80 Aragorn undertakes his great journeys and errantries. As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor.
the lord of the rings - Did Denethor II know that Aragorn and …
Jan 5, 2017 · Aragorn, using the name Thorongil, served under Ecthelion, Steward of Gondor, father of Denethor II, and grandfather of Boromir and Faramir before disappearing four years before Denethor II assumed the title of Steward of Gondor. Did Denethor II know that Aragorn, when he came to Gondor during the War of the Ring, was the same person as Thorongil?
Did Aragorn serve in Gondor and Rohan as Thorongil in the …
Apr 7, 2021 · In the books at least, the only time Aragorn visited Gondor was during his adventures as Thorongil. So that makes two lines of dialogue that correspond with his biography in the books. I guess it's possible that in the movie universe Aragorn rode to war with Thengel under the name "Pinky" and visited Minas Tirith for a raging keg party. But ...
Did Denethor ever travel outside the realm of Gondor?
Jun 1, 2017 · Before his ascendancy to the "Throne" Denethor spent a long time studying the Palantír, having been jealous of Thorongil and the people's and Ecthelion's love for him. ...having long studied the matter of the palantíri and the traditions regarding them and their use preserved in the special archives of the Stewards, available beside the ...
tolkiens legendarium - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
May 18, 2017 · When Faramir wakes, he says this: Suddenly Faramir stirred, and he opened his eyes, and he looked on Aragorn who bent over him; and a light of knowledge and love was kindled in his eyes, and he sp...
quotes - Did Tolkien liken Aragorn to a wolf? - Science Fiction ...
Nov 29, 2021 · As Thorongil he serves in disguise both Thengel of Rohan and Ecthelion II of Gondor. Return of the King Appendix B "The Tale of Years" (ii) The Third Age It would also be a much more complimentary comparison, since eagles are traditionally associated with Manwë (good) and wolves with Morgoth/Sauron (bad).
Who knew of Aragorn's true lineage prior to his revealing?
They definitely met; there's a whole description in Appendix A of Denethor's jealousy of Thorongil. "At that time many thought that Thorongil had departed before his rival became his master ... Therefore later, when all was made clear, many believed that Denethor, who was subtle in mind and looked further and deeper than other men of his day ...
Did Aragorn and Gandalf ever venture into Mordor?
Apr 4, 2015 · There is evidence that Aragorn may have done so.. When he served the Steward Ecthelion (father of Denethor) under the assumed name Thorongil, his final act was an assault by sea on Umbar; on his return he did not go back to Gondor but instead (from Lord of the Rings Appendix A, Gondor and the heirs of Anárion):
How True to Canon Was Denethor's Movie Characterization?
Ecthelion came to regard Thorongil as a son, and Denethor found himself jealous of this. As a result Denethor preferred Boromir, who reminded him of himself, over Faramir who took more after Thorongil. Similarly Gandalf would have been friends with "Thorongil", adding another reason for Denethor to dislike him. –
How well do Aragorn and Saruman know each other?
Oct 5, 2015 · Thorongil often warned Ecthelion not to put trust in Saruman the White in Isengard, but to welcome rather Gandalf the Grey. The Lord of the Rings Appendix A I (iv) Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion When Aragorn joins Gandalf, Théoden and others in the parley with Saruman after the Battle of Helm's Deep.