ホーム | TOA株式会社
toa株式会社は業務用・プロ用の音響機器と、防犯・監視カメラなどセキュリティ機器の専門メーカーです。 1934年の創業以来、現在は国内外に拠点を構え、世界120ヵ国以上に商品を供給しています。
Technology and services that TOA can offer. We will create new value by linking a robust global business foundation with diverse and sophisticated functions to solve social issues beyond existing frameworks.
HOME | TOA - Sound and Communication
TOA Worldwide | TOA - Sound and Communication
East Japan Unit Tokyo Group 1. CN-1 Bldg.,4F 5-5-2 Kiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0042 TEL +81 3 5621 5801 FAX: +81 3 5621 5823
Company Data | TOA - Sound and Communication
Mar 31, 2024 · TOA Corporation Established April 20,1949 (Operations started September 1,1934) Capital JPY 5.279 billion President, CEO TANIGUCHI Masahiro Greeting Board of Directors Headquarters 7-2-1 Minatojima-Nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0046, Japan Tel +81 78 303 5620 Employees 3,025 (consolidated), 789 (non-consolidated) Net sales
TOA Corporation - Wikipedia
TOA Corporation (TOA株式会社, Tī Ō Ē Kabushiki-gaisha) is a Japanese electronics company, specializing in public address systems, intercom systems, microphones, array speakers and megaphones. [3]
TOA History | About TOA | TOA Electronics, Inc.
In 1957, TOA created Japan’s first transistor megaphone, and followed this in 1959 with the successful commercialization of a transistorized car amplifier. These products, which took advantage of the advanced technology of the day, surprised the world with their light weight, compact design, low energy consumption, and high performance.
TOA Corporation
TOA is the acoustic expert founded in Kobe, Japan over 90 years ago. Our passion for sound continues to grow with each year.
Manufacturing Capability – TOA株式会社
TOA has a production structure in place to support all kinds of outsourcing operations requested in the cosmetic field. We have established an integrated production structure from product development to delivery in order to speedily supply high quality products that meet client’s needs.
Outline | Corporate Overview | TOA CORPORATION
TOA CORPORATION Founded 1908 Established January 23,1920 Paid-in Capital ¥ 18,976,658,924 President & Representative Director ... 163-1031 Japan Telephone : +81-3-6367-0801 Facsimile: +81-3-6367-0809 E-mail:[email protected] Domestic Branches Hokkaido Branch Tohoku Branch Chiba Branch