Tonbokiri - Wikipedia
The Tonbokiri (蜻蛉切) is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Sengo Masazane, said to be wielded by the daimyō Honda Tadakatsu, a leading general of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The spear derives its name from the myth that a dragonfly landed on its blade and was instantly cut in two.
Tonbogiri - Terraria Wiki
The Tonbogiri is a post-Ocram Spear. It has a small chance to inflict the Poisoned debuff and is in the same tier as Tizona. Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic.
Legacy : Tonbogiri - Terraria Wiki
The Tonbogiri is a Hardmode post-Ocram Spear. It has a small chance to inflict the Poisoned debuff and is in the same tier as Tizona. Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic.
Tonbogiri - Terraria Wiki | Fandom
The Tonbogiri is a 3DS exclusive Spear that does 50 melee damage, has very fast use speed/time, strong knockback, tier 5 rarity, is crafted at a mythril anvil, and sells for 40 gold.
Three Great Spears of Japan - Wikipedia
Tonbokiri (蜻蛉切, also read Tonbogiri): This spear once wielded by Honda Tadakatsu, one of the great generals of Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was forged by Masazane, a disciple of Muramasa . It is now owned by a private individual and lent to the Sano Art Museum for its collection.
Tonbokiri - Wikiwand
The Tonbokiri (蜻蛉切) is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Sengo Masazane, said to be wielded by the daimyō Honda Tadakatsu, a leading general of Tokugawa Ieyasu. View a machine-translated version of the Japanese article.
Tonbogiri - The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel Wiki
The Tonbogiri is a mythical Japanese spear, one of three made by Masazane Fujiwara. It gets its name from the words Tonbo, or dragonfly, and Giri, cutting, because of a myth in which a dragonfly landed on its blade and was instantly cut in two.
蜻蛉切 刀剣特集 – 日本の名刀をご紹介
Jan 24, 2021 · 蜻蛉切 (とんぼきり)は室町時代に作られたとされる槍で、静岡県の県指定文化財に指定されているよ。 2019年時点では個人所蔵で静岡県三島市にある佐野美術館に寄託されているんだ。 この蜻蛉切は、戦国時代の武将であり、徳川四天王の1人でもある本多忠勝が愛用していた槍として広く知られているよ。 本多忠勝は徳川家康の家臣の中でも最も武勇に優れていた武将としても有名だよね。 忠勝が出陣した合戦の中で、1度も負傷することはなかった…と …
Tonbogiri: Tombak Legendaris Jepang yang Mampu Membelah …
Mar 15, 2024 · Tonbogiri, yang diciptakan oleh pengrajin terkenal Fujiwara Masazane, adalah lebih dari sekadar tombak. Ia adalah simbol dari kekuatan dan kehalusan, menggema melalui zaman sebagai peninggalan dari era samurai yang penuh dengan keberanian dan kehormatan.
Tonbogiri — Wikipédia
La Tonbogiri (蜻蛉切 とんぼぎり?) est une des trois grandes lances du Japon créées par le célèbre forgeron Masazane Fujiwara, et qui aurait été maniée par le daimyō Honda Tadakatsu. La lance tire son nom du mythe qu'une libellule s'est déposée sur sa lame et a été immédiatement coupée en deux.
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