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If you have 1000 pennies, 1000 nickels, 1000 dimes, 1000 quarters, and 1000 half dollars, then how much do you have altogether?
General Trivia - Triviacafe
Each year since 1985 People magazine names the Sexiest Man Alive. Some previous winners have been George Clooney (1997), Denzel Washington (1996), and John F. Kennedy, Jr. in …
History Trivia - Triviacafe
The person who is fourth in line to be U.S. President is technically not permitted to assume that office. Who and why?
Trivia topics - Triviacafe
Trivia categories spanning over 20 different topics. government. Questions relating to the government, important governmental figures and other topics that directly tie into the government
Trivia Café is Your Home for the Best General Knowledge Trivia. Questions on the World Wide Web!. Our QUESTIONS and ANSWERS are FREE to ENJOY. Save them, print them! Take …
Mathematics Trivia - Triviacafe
It was perhaps the worst college campus riot ever. It originated in a quarrel in a tavern. The violence lasted for three days, involved students and townspeople, and ended with several …
Fads Trivia - Triviacafe
Of the three branches of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, how many accept female rabbis? 0, 1, 2, or 3
Science Trivia - Triviacafe
Which companies in the U.S. are the three largest in terms of retail sales?
Animals Trivia - Triviacafe
This town in Switzerland is a famous winter sports center and year-round resort town. The Winter Olympics were held there in 1928 and 1948. What is the town's name?