glossary - What is a UUID? - Stack Overflow
Aug 12, 2009 · UUID stands for Universally Unique IDentifier. It's a 128-bit value used for a unique identification in software development. UUID is the same as GUID (Microsoft) and is part of the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), …
Is there any difference between a GUID and a UUID?
Nov 2, 2021 · The information above does not go into the details of the UUID/GUID values, or how you get/generate them. But there are two misconceptions about the values that should be cleared up. 1. Representation of UUID/GUIDs. Firstly, the same UUID/GUID is a 16 bytes (128 bits) value that can be represented in different ways.
javascript - How do I create a GUID / UUID? - Stack Overflow
May 7, 2019 · [Edited 2023-03-05 to reflect latest best-practices for producing RFC4122-compliant UUIDs] crypto.randomUUID() is now standard on all modern browsers and JS runtimes.
How to create a GUID/UUID in Python - Stack Overflow
Aug 6, 2022 · from typing import Optional import re import subprocess import uuid def get_windows_uuid() -> Optional[uuid.UUID]: try: # Ask Windows for the device's permanent UUID. Throws if command missing/fails. txt = subprocess.check_output("wmic csproduct get uuid").decode() # Attempt to extract the UUID from the command's result.
Which UUID version to use? - Stack Overflow
Dec 3, 2013 · uuid_generate_v3(namespace uuid, name text) - This function generates a version 3 UUID in the given namespace using the specified input name. V4: uuid_generate_v4 - This function generates a version 4 UUID, which is derived entirely from random numbers.
What exactly is GUID? Why and where I should use it?
Dec 16, 2008 · GUID (or UUID) is an acronym for 'Globally Unique Identifier' (or 'Universally Unique Identifier'). It is a 128-bit integer number used to identify resources. The term GUID is generally used by developers working with Microsoft technologies, while UUID is used everywhere else.
Generating v5 UUID. What is name and namespace?
I've read the man page, but I do not understand what name and namespace are for. For version 3 and version 5 UUIDs the additional command line arguments namespace and name have to be given. The
Postgres SELECT where the WHERE is UUID or string
Sep 29, 2017 · CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uuid_or_null(str text) RETURNS uuid AS $$ BEGIN RETURN str::uuid; EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT uuid_or_null('INVALID') IS NULL will then result in true. In other words (given that (true or null) = true),
Advantages and disadvantages of GUID / UUID database keys
Jul 27, 2009 · UUID Pros. Unique across every table, every database, every server; Allows easy merging of records from different databases; Allows easy distribution of databases across multiple servers; You can generate IDs anywhere, instead of having to roundtrip to the database; Most replication scenarios require GUID columns anyway; GUID Cons
c# - Generating UUID based on strings - Stack Overflow
Apr 17, 2020 · If you are feeling adventurous, you may think about using the nil UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) as the namespace, using the two-step approach to first treat your namespace as a UUID name in the first step, then using that with your name to get the final UUID in the second step (something that could be repeated for a tuple of any ...