Valarr Targaryen - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
In 209 AC, Valarr was one of the original champions for the daughter of Lord Ashford at the start of the tourney at Ashford Meadow. However, his status as a Targaryen prince, grandson of …
Valarr I Targaryen | Reign of the Dragons Wiki | Fandom
King Valarr I Targaryen also known as Valarr the Valiant is the eldest child of King Daeron III Targaryen and Queen Jocelyn Baratheon. He is the Head of House Targaryen, King of the …
Valarr Targaryen | A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki | Fandom
Valarr was the son of Baelor "Breakspear" Targaryen, the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Raised as a future king, Valarr was trained as a knight alongside his brother Matarys …
Valarr I Targaryen | Kings of Westeros Wiki | Fandom
King Valarr I Targaryen was Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and twenty-sixth Targaryen to sat on the Iron Throne. He was the last child of King Aegon VII Targaryen's and Queen Roslin …
(Spoilers Extended) What is your opinion on Valarr Targaryen?
Jul 17, 2023 · Name of a random guard who Tyrion bosses about in ACOK. If I'm not mistaken, that guard is called Vylarr, not Valarr, although both names are very similar.
Valar - Wikipedia
The Valar (['valar]; singular Vala) are characters in J. R. R. Tolkien 's Middle-earth writings. They are "angelic powers" or "gods" [T 1] subordinate to the one God (Eru Ilúvatar).
Valarr Targaryen - Hielo y Fuego Wiki
En 209 d.C., el príncipe Valarr fue uno de los campeones originales de la hija de Lord Ashford al inicio del Torneo de Vado Ceniza, pero por su condición de príncipe Targaryen, nieto del rey …
Kiera of Tyrosh - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Kiera of Tyrosh was the wife of Prince Valarr Targaryen. An unknown amount of time after Valarr's death, she was married to Valarr's cousin, Prince Daeron Targaryen.
Valarr Targaryen | A Roleplay of Ice and Fire Wiki | Fandom
Valarr Targaryen is the nine-and-ten year old son of King Aemon I Targaryen and his heir. He is the eldest of twins born to the king and his first wife, Princess Clarisse Dayne. Valarr bears the …
Valarr Targaryen - ASOIAF Visual Reference Wiki
Prince Valarr was the eldest son of Baelor Breakspear. He was a shorter, slimmer, handsomer version of his sire, without the twice-broken nose that had made Baelor seem more human …