Vaquita - Marine Mammal Commission
Apr 16, 2015 · The tiny vaquita porpoise is the world’s smallest and most endangered cetacean species. The vaquita remains on the brink of extinction with approximately 10 remaining in …
• Vaquita population decline has accelerated, 49 % 2015-16 • September 2016 30 vaquitas remain • Gillnet ban to expire in April 2017
Given the continued decline of the vaquita population, CIRVA considered the question of ex situ approaches to vaquita conservation. While recognizing the risks and complexities of such an …
This independent committee has been charged with improving existing vaquita-safe fishing technologies (such as the small trawl to catch shrimp and traps and other gear for fish) to …
• Expansion of the area of the Vaquita Refuge • Two year suspension of fishing activities that represent risk to vaquitas (esp. gillnets) • Compensation to licensees, fishermen and other …
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Beloved Vaquita Scientist August 29, 2024. The Marine Mammal Commission is devastated to learn of the loss of our dear colleague Dr. Armando Jaramillo-Legorreta. For decades …
California porpoise or vaquita (Phocoena sinus), the most endangered of all cetacean species. The vaquita is undergoing a catastrophic decline as a result of entanglement and drowning in …
May 13, 2016 · CIRVA warns that accidental drowning in gillnets is rapidly driving the vaquita (Phocoena sinus) toward extinction. Previous research showed that the vaquita had declined …
Vaquita Session Summary . Fewer than 30 vaquitas likely remain in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico, according to visual and acoustic monitoring surveys in 2015 and 2016. …
vaquita is the marine mammal species most likely to go extinct.2 The primary threat is entanglement in gillnets set to catch shrimp and fish, primarily for U.S. markets. At the …