605901095J382 | VARTA Automotive Batteries
The VARTA ® Silver Dynamic AGM stands for unparalleled performance: with 3 times the cycle life of conventional batteries, the VARTA Silver Dynamic AGM is the perfect choice for vehicles with the highest energy demands, as start-stop or electric vehicles.
605 901 095 - VARTA® automotive
Made in Germany in the world´s largest AGM production plant. Patented PowerFrame ® grid for reliable starting power, fast recharge and corrosion resistance. "Like-for-like" replacement of the battery sold to the OE channel.
Varta H15. Start-stop car battery Varta 105Ah 12V - baterias.com
VARTA® Silver Dynamic AGM batteries are perfect for advanced Start-Stop systems that require rapid battery recharging using energy supplied by regenerative braking systems. Made in Germany in the world's largest AGM battery production facility. Patented PowerFrame® grid for maximum starting power, quick recharge and increased corrosion resistance.
- Reviews: 47
H15 Varta Start-Stop Plus 020 AGM Battery 12V 105Ah 605
VARTA H15 Silver Dynamic 020 AGM batteries are perfect for advanced start-stop systems in which the battery needs to be quickly recharged through the energy provided by the regenerative braking systems. Made in Germany in the world´s largest AGM production plant.
Varta H15. Bateria de carro start-stop Varta 105Ah 12V
Agora você pode comprar bateria Varta H15 105Ah 950A 12V Silver Dynamic Agm com o melhor preço em baterias.com. A bateria para carros equipados com sistema start-stop ou com alta demanda de consumo eletrônico Varta H15 105Ah 950A 12V tem as seguintes características:
- Reviews: 47
Varta A4 (H15) AGM Start Stop Car Battery 12v 105Ah 950A (605 …
Made in Germany in the world´s largest AGM production plant. Patented PowerFrame® grid for reliable starting power, fast recharge and corrosion resistance. "Like-for-like" replacement of the battery sold to the OE channel.
Varta A4 Silver Dynamic AGM Car Battery: Type 020
Made in Germany in the world´s largest AGM production plant. Patented PowerFrame grid for reliable starting power, fast recharge and corrosion resistance. “Like-for-like” replacement of the battery sold to the OE channel.
H15 Varta Silver Dynamic Start-Stop Plus AGM Car Battery 12V …
With 3 times the cycle life of conventional batteries, the VARTA Silver Dynamic AGM is the perfect choice for vehicles with the highest energy demands. Designed for start-stop or electric vehicles. Excellent for heavier usage, cold winters, hot summers or use with multiple vehicle accessories and equipment.
VARTA A4 Silver Dynamic (H15) AGM Autobatterie 12V 105Ah
Die VARTA Silver Dynamic AGM xEV Batterie eignet sich perfekt für moderne Fahrzeuge mit fortschrittlicher Start-Stop-Technologie, Bremsenergierückgewinnung und anderen kraftstoffsparenden Technologien an Bord.
Varta H15 Start-Stop accu, 105Ah, 950A, 12V - Accudeal
De Varta H15 105Ah start-stop accu is speciaal ontworpen voor een auto met een start stop systeem. Een auto met start-stop systeem is brandstofbesparend en goed voor het milieu. Als de accu niet meer werkt, dan kan je niet zomaar een normale start accu gebruiken als vervanging.