Vote-Now.com LLC
We offer a complete line of hybrid voting options, combining web-based, telephone and paper ballots, that will increase voter participation, reduce expenses, and improve accuracy. Votes remain anonymous and secure.
We designed Vote-Now.com with a wealth of features to make it both easy to use and powerful. Ballot participation rate, or full results (you choose) can be viewed "live" by your election officials. Printout and/or archive the results when the election closes.
Vote-Now.com LLC - Electronic and Traditional Voting Services for ...
We offer a complete line of hybrid voting options, combining web-based, telephone and paper ballots, that will increase voter participation, reduce expenses, and improve accuracy. Votes remain anonymous and secure.
Voters who do not use computers? - Vote-Now.com
Those members who do not want to use a telephone or the Internet, can send back their ballots to either Vote-Now or your staff, via postal mail. Each ballot is coded with an access security code that prevents a member from voting twice.
Vote-Now Advantages: 3425+ elections served (over 1 million voters) and 27+ years of web-based election experience that makes a difference! Secure server encryption of ballot submissions and results - providing privacy over the internet.
Discuss customization options that would allow future versions of our webware to be tailored to your specific voting procedures. Provide further information about our software and advise you on which of the pricing options would best match your needs and reduce your costs
The folks at Vote-now have always championed a more sustainable way of voting. For example, we pioneered the use of email and postcards (rather than paper ballots) to provide voters with the information they need to make their choices via the Internet rather than returning a paper ballot.
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