Vox amps
The VOX tradition of innovation carries on today with products designed to achieve unprecedented tonal flexibility. Find your voice with VOX.
The VOX AC30 Custom valve guitar amplifier- Vox Amps
The VOX AC30 Custom valve guitar amplifier draws from over 50 years of tube amp-building expertise to offer the most versatile AC30 design in VOX history
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The Vox AC4 Hand-Wired Guitar Amplifier
With the newly designed power supply circuit, the new VOX Hand-wired amplifiers address ghost notes without compromising sound quality and responsiveness, navigating the delicate …
V863-CA - Vox Amps
With this single pedal, you can seamlessly switch between rhythmic Auto-Wah modes and expressive manual wah, all while enjoying the authentic VOX tone. Whether you’re exploring …
Home - Vox Amps
voxが誇るイノベーションの伝統は、未だかつてない柔軟性を達成するべくデザインされた数々の製品とともに今日にも受け継がれている。 さぁ、VOXで、あなただけのサウンドを見 …
AV Series Archives - Vox Amps
Drawing upon nearly 60 years of tube amplifier design, the all-new AV (Analog Valve) Series from VOX offers players a full palette of authentic amplifier sounds via eight, all-analog pre-amp …
MVX150C1 - Vox Amps
The MVX150 series represents a new frontier of amplifiers, one that challenges the established conceptions of large tube amps and costly boutique amps. Main features – 150W Nutube amp …
Bobcat Archives - Vox Amps
While many VOX guitars of the sixties were known for unusual body shapes and on-board effects, other models like the Bobcat and Lynx combined conventional thinline bodies with the iconic …
The POWER BURST brings a sound with “rich sustain,” allowing for the effective expression of guitar techniques inherent in the blues, such as bending and vibrato. Moreover, cranking up …