Narmer - World History Encyclopedia
Feb 1, 2016 · Narmer (c. 3150 BCE) was the first king of Egypt who unified the country peacefully at the beginning of the First Dynastic Period (c. 3150 - 2613 BCE).
Narmer - Wikipedia
Narmer (Ancient Egyptian: nꜥr-mr, may mean "painful catfish", "stinging catfish", "harsh catfish", or "fierce catfish"; [2] [3] [4] fl. c. 3150 BC [5]) was an ancient Egyptian king of the Early Dynastic Period, whose reign began at a date estimated to fall in the range 3173–2987 BC. [6] He was the successor to the Protodynastic king Ka.
Narmer: 10 Facts on the First Egyptian Pharaoh - TheCollector
Jun 18, 2024 · Not only was it long-lived, but it was also the first state in Africa, and one of the first territorial states in the history of mankind. Narmer was the Egyptian pharaoh responsible for this pivotal event in world history. 1. Narmer Was Well Regarded by Later Egyptian Pharaohs
Narmer Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family Life, Achievements …
Jul 30, 2024 · Narmer was an ancient Egyptian ruler known to be the last king of the Naqada period and the first king of the First Dynasty. Regarded as the unifier of Egypt, he was most likely the successor to the Protodynastic king, Ka, or possibly Scorpion II.
Narmer, the First Pharaoh (history) - Egyptian History
Jan 18, 2021 · Narmer is the first pharaoh of the 30 dynasties of pharaohs. Initially king of Upper Egypt, he became pharaoh in 3150 BC by completing the conquest of Lower Egypt. He therefore reigned over the entire Nile valley, which gave him the title of "pharaoh".
Biography of Horus Narmer | The Ancient Egypt Site
Horus Narmer is usually considered the first king of the 1st Dynasty, perhaps even the first to have ruled over the whole of Egypt, or as the last king of the Predynastic Period. He is one of the first Egyptian kings to have left some historical records.
The First Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
Narmer, one of the greatest figures in human history, is believed to be Ancient Egypt's first pharaoh. He is widely recognized for unifying Upper and Lower Egypt. Besides, he laid the foundation for one of the longest-lasting and most influential civilizations ever known to humanity.
10 Facts About King Narmer | Egypt Pharaohs' Mysterious Powers
Early Dynastic Period pharaoh Narmer was from ancient Egypt. He was the Protodynastic king Ka’s replacement. He is widely regard as the first monarch of a united Egypt as well as the founder of the First Dynasty by many academics.
KidsAncientEgypt.com: FACTS: 10 Facts About King NARMER
Aug 8, 2020 · Top 10 Facts About King Narmer. Narmer - First Dynasty, c. 3150 BCE; Narmer’s predecessor: King Scorpion; He united Upper and Lower Egypt; He wears both crowns on the Narmer Palette; Developed trade with other countries; Founded the capital, Memphis; Marriage to Neithhotep debunked in 2016; Religion flourished during his reign; Presided over ...
Narmer - Ancient Egypt Online
Narmer (Mernar) was a ruler of Ancient Egypt at the end of the Predynastic Period and the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period. He is often credited with uniting Egypt and becoming the first king of Upper and Lower Egypt.