Workiva | Software for Sustainability, GRC & Financial Reporting
Workiva's integrated reporting software connects finance, sustainability, audit, and risk for assured, data-driven insights.
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Integrated GRC, Sustainability & Financial Reporting - Workiva
Workiva built the cloud-native platform that simplifies the complexities of mission-critical work by uniting financial reporting, sustainability, internal audit, risk, and more. Open. Intelligent. Intuitive.
Workiva | Logiciel de durabilité, GRC et de reporting financier
Notre plateforme évolue avec votre entreprise et s’adapte au monde qui change. Des intégrations sécurisées aux modèles qui vous aident à respecter les nouvelles réglementations, en …
Overview of the Workiva Platform
Workiva is the platform that’s open, intelligent, and intuitive. We help you connect your data, documents, and teams so you can simplify your most complex work—from reporting to risk …
Plateforme Workiva | Rapports GRC, ESG et financiers intégrés
Workiva simplifie les complexités liées aux tâches critiques grâce à sa plateforme cloud native, qui unifie le reporting financier, l’ESG, l’audit interne, la gestion des risques, et plus encore. …
Notre technologie cloud, la plateforme Workiva, est une plateforme de reporting et de conformité connectée, adaptée à l’objectif visé, qui permet à nos clients de rationaliser les processus, de …
Workiva | Software de elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad, …
El software de informes integrados de Workiva conecta los datos de finanzas, sostenibilidad, auditoría y riesgo para ofrecer información garantizada y basada en datos.
Erstellen Sie hochentwickelte ESG-Berichte in Workiva
Jan 28, 2025 · With Workiva's on-Platform Designed Reporting features, your Workiva Document becomes a canvas where you and your design team can compose highly-designed ESG …
Business Software Solutions for Finance, Sustainability & GRC
Collaborate in real time, increase stakeholder trust, and gain invaluable oversight with Workiva—the only platform that connects GRC processes with sustainability and financial …