The Yaungol - MMO-Champion
Apr 22, 2012 · What are you guys expecting from these Mongolian Yak-Tauren? I think they will be extremely aggressive towards us at first. After all, they WERE just kicked out of the …
Why didnt the Horde try to recruit the Yaungol?
Aug 21, 2013 · Taran Zhu was such a dick to the Yaungol, they're fleeing their homeland and taking what they need to survive because of sha-infested mantid but when it comes to sha …
Yaungol, Tauren & Niuzao the Black Ox - mmo-champion.com
Oct 26, 2012 · FUN THEORY TIME! Now we know the yaungol are descendants of tauren trapped on Pandaria after the Sundering, HOWEVER what if it's infact tauren that descended …
What do the taunka and yaungol do these days? - MMO-Champion
May 9, 2022 · Tauren, taunka, and high mountain are all offshoots of yaungol that evolved in a similar, although less drastic, fashion from troll to nightelf. After the fall of the mogu yaungol …
Why are yaungol so dumb? - mmo-champion.com
Mar 6, 2018 · I mean it quite literally, not that the design is dumb, but the race itself. When you think of the other bovine like races in wow, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Taunka, all these …
Why is Niuzao's temple far in enemy territory? How could enough ...
Feb 12, 2025 · It was the Mantid pushing out the Yaungol, which caused them to be aggressively in search of new homes in Kun-lai. Sha of Fear influencing the Mantid caused them to go as …
Lorewalker's Rep Guide - Quick and Easy with Maps and Time …
Aug 13, 2012 · Collecting the items gives you an achievement which in turn gives you reputation, all the sites for one achievement are all over the pandaria map so the guide allows you to get …
What are Taunka and Yaungol to Tauren? - mmo-champion.com
Aug 9, 2015 · I'm actually thinking about how this works, let me explain what I mean. Are tauren themselves and species and taunka and yaungol simply races (as in human races) of tauren …
Why are yaungol so dumb? - Page 2 - mmo-champion.com
Mar 6, 2018 · I mean it quite literally, not that the design is dumb, but the race itself. When you think of the other bovine like races in wow, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Taunka, all these …
The Yaungol - Page 2
Apr 22, 2012 · What are you guys expecting from these Mongolian Yak-Tauren? I think they will be extremely aggressive towards us at first. After all, they WERE just kicked out of the …