Celebrity Baby Name: Slim Easy Smith Yay or Nay? - Glow
First name: Slim. Middle name: Easy. Last name: Smith. Model Lucky Blue Smith welcomed his 3rd child recently. Baby boy Slim.
Hysteroscopy before Egg Retrieval? - Glow Community
We are aiming to do our egg retrieval this month after 2 years of TTC and three failed IUIs (yay!) and when I called to schedule my day 3 baseline appointment the nurse told me I’ll need to do a hysteroscopy before retrieval, likely sometime next week. Everything I’m reading mentions anesthesia but she didn’t say anything about going under.
Uncensored Nipples - Glow Community
So I’m not sure if this is old news or not but it’s new to me. Apparently Instagram has decided to stop censoring photos of nipples when the photo is of a breastfeeding mother! Yay! What is everyone’s reaction? Are we now going to have nipples running rampant? Is this a gateway to allowing penises and vagina pics everywhere?
Natural yeast infection remedies - Glow Community
I have a yeast infection (yay!). So to save $20 by not purchasing Monostat, I'm looking for natural ways I can fix the infection. I found a recipe where you just mix coconut oil, lavender essential oil and tea tree essential oil, put it in the fridge to let it harden, and then insert it into the vagina.
"Probable involuting left corpus luteum cyst" - Glow
So the doctors released the information from my first ultrasound. I was reading through it all calm and happy (yay, live baby, yay, 7 weeks, yay heartbeat of 152) and then I noticed this thing that said "probable involuting left corpus luteum cyst".
Boots pregnancy test better than FRER!!!! - Glow
Jess • Thu, Feb 27 • Wife in 2019💍🤵👰. Mum to 13y - 💙 , 1yr - 💜 Stepmum 15y & 21y 💙💙 expecting No.5 😆 Nov '22 💚🤰
Bleeding CD 18,what does it mean? - Glow Community
So I'm bleeding very heavily mid-cycle and my cycles are normally 27-29 days. Yesterday on CD18 I had pink and thought yay this must be the elusive implantation bleeding I've read about. Today (CD19) it is full on red flow. I didn't track ovulation this cycle but normally I ovulate CD14. What do you think is happening?
Success with 7.5mg Letrozole? - Glow Community
Success with 7.5mg Letrozole? I had no response to 2.5mg. I started to respond to 5mg, but then the follicles stopped growing after they reached 15mm.
BBT big drop after BFP - Glow Community
BBT big drop after BFP Hi Ladies... did anyone here experience a big temp drop around 13 dpo after a BFP? Can you share your experience?
Natalist Pregnancy Test - Glow Community
Cel V • Fri, Aug 20 • 04/10 👧🏽 11/13 👧🏽 04/16👧🏽 08/21 👧🏽/ 🧒🏽🌈 TBD 07/20🌈 👼