About Yelan (English) - Yelan Art
Yelan was born in Datong, a city in China's northern Shanxi province. Yelan spent her childhood and teenage years in Datong and Beijing, growing up in an atmosphere of art and culture.
Yelan holds an ongoing exhibition in her studio at Shanghai M50 Art Area (50 Moganshan Road), Room 111, Building 3. PAST EXHIBITIONS 2025 – 'Painting with Poems,' Dongshan Diaohua …
作品 - Yelan Art
List of Artworks by Artist Yelan
2020 (English) - Yelan Art
人倚楼 lean on the wall 65x45cm 布面油画 oil on canvas 2020
WORKS - Yelan Art
List of Artworks by Artist Yelan
Self-Portrait (English) - Yelan Art
Most of my self-portraits began with a sudden spark of the moment: a sketch between classes, or awakened at midnight to start a new sketch with a record of my thoughts and emotions.
展览 - Yelan Art
2015-2017年 《L’Art de Voir》,法国Inne 艺术画廊. 2016年 《黑白人体系列展》,荷兰. 2015年 《法国Art3f第一届国际当代艺术展波尔多站 》,法国波尔多. 2015年 《 法国Art3f第一届国际 …
中文 - Yelan Art
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1995-1999 - Yelan Art
观世10 goddess of mercy 10 175x93cm 纸本水墨与植物色 ink & mineral color on paper 1995-1999 (收藏于台湾高雄 collected in taiwan)
Pure Kingdom (English) - Yelan Art
Have you ever been to Tibet? When you climb the mountains and gaze upon their snowy peaks, you can understand the hearts of the faithful. When looking across Lake Tianchi on top of the …