Core Values, Ethics, Spectrum – The 3 Pillars of Public ... - IAP2
IAP2's Spectrum of Public Participation was designed to assist with the selection of the level of participation that defines the public's role in any public participation process. The Spectrum is used internationally, and it is found in many public participation plans.
SpectrumEvolution - International Association for Public ... - IAP2
Use of the Spectrum. Strategy: Organisations use the Spectrum to design engagement strategies tailored to the needs and goals of specific projects. Education: The Spectrum is taught in IAP2 training programs to educate about different levels of public participation and best practices.
International Association for Public Participation - IAP2
As an international leader in public participation, IAP2 has developed three pillars for effective public participation and engagement (P2/engagement) processes. Developed with broad international input, these pillars cross national, cultural, and religious boundaries and form the foundation of P2 processes that reflect the interests and ...
IAP2 - International Association for Public Participation
IAP2 is an international association of members who seek to promote and improve the practice of public participation / public engagement in relation to individuals, governments, institutions, and other entities that affect the public interest in nations throughout the world.
About Us - International Association for Public Participation - IAP2
IAP2 is the preeminent international organization advancing the practice of public participation. Our mission is to promote and advance public participation / community engagement globally through targeted initiatives that are guided by culturally adaptive standards of …
International Association for Public Participation - IAP2
Our mission is to promote and advance public participation / community engagement globally through targeted initiatives that are guided by culturally adaptive standards of practice and core values.
International Association for Public Participation - IAP2
Sep 3, 2024 · IAP2 carries out its mission to advance and extend the practice of public participation by organizing and conducting professional development activities to serve the learning needs of members. The landscape of public participation and community engagement is …
International Association for Public Participation - IAP2
Fundamentals of P2/Engagement is a prerequisite course (Level 1) for those who want to undertake the new IAP2 Global Certificate in Engagement. Covered are the understanding and applying the practices of meaningful and effective P2/ engagement and what participants need to know to do this well.
IAP2 Australasia announces Engagement Essentials is now online!
Apr 30, 2020 · This module – perfect for everyone from the first time engager to the CEO or Manager, outlines the essential elements of a ‘best practice’ contemporary model for engagement and the next steps you, or your organisation need to take.
Guidelines for Use of IAP2 Copyright Protected Materials ...
I understand that this attribution must be included in all citations of IAP2 copyright protected material including the IAP2 Spectrum of Participation, the IAP2 Core Values, and the IAP2 Code of Ethics for Public Participation Practitioners.