Brolga dancing in northern territory australia - YouTube
a couple of brolga are dancing in a flood plain near batchelor northern territory australia
Funny dancing birds Brolgas dancing in outback Western Australia
Jan 1, 2017 · The wet season in the top end of Australia is in full swing and we came across these amazing creatures! : Please subscribe for more great outback videos : © OZOUTBACK All rights reserved 2016. Any...
Brolga Dance and behaviour with Sarus Crane in Australia
This is an update to the previous Brolga video with more details on behaviour and calls with audio sonograms. More video of the Sarus crane and Juvenile beha...
Brolga Dance Aboriginal Traditional Dancing - ICTV PLAY
Young Aboriginal people perform a dance associated with the brolga, a large water bird that has great significance in the culture of Arnhem Land, during the Barunga Festival in 1995. A Song Man with clap sticks and a didjeridu accompanies the dance, characterised by high leaps and the sound the brolga makes.
Dancing brolga › Nature Features (ABC Science)
Jun 1, 2001 · The curious dance of the Brolga is legendary, but we really know very little about this majestic creature. June is when Brolgas in Australia's south are making their way to the breeding grounds.
The dancing Brolga - a wonderful Australian Bird
Well-known for its legendary dance, the Brolga is one of the largest water birds in Australia. Other names for the elegant grey Australian bird with the red head are "Australian crane" and "Native Companion".
The Brolga Australia’s Majestic Dancing Crane - Aussie Animals
With its elaborate mating dances, haunting calls, and important ecological role, the Brolga is a favourite subject for nature enthusiasts and bird lovers alike. In this article, we will delve into the world of the Brolga, exploring its unique characteristics, behavior, habitat, and the conservation challenges it faces.
The Brolga Dance: Aboriginal Ritual and Mythological Symbolism
The Brolga Dance is a traditional Aboriginal ritual that holds great cultural significance in many Indigenous communities across Australia. This ceremonial dance is not only a form of artistic expression but also a means of connecting with the land, ancestors, and spiritual beings.
Animal Energy - Brolga - Wildspeak
They are best known for their elaborate courtship dances, which involve leaping (up to a metre in height), bows, high steps and trumpeting from both the sexes. Both sexes then incubate and raise the young. During the non-breeding season, they congregate in large, social flocks.
Dance of the Brolga - YouTube
Oct 11, 2018 · 'Dance of the Brolga' is a dynamic production created and performed by students from North Rockhampton High and Glenmore High School students. Facilitated by...