Actaea (plant) - Wikipedia
Actaea, commonly called baneberry, bugbane and cohosh, is a genus of flowering plants of the family Ranunculaceae, native to subtropical, temperate and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia and North America.
Actaea Growing Guide - Farmer Bailey Inc.
Actaea are quite resistant to insect and disease pressure. Watch for aphids and rust. This is a slow growing plant when it is young. Full sun promotes the darkest foliage. The old name was Cimicifuga simplex. The white flowers in slender, bottlebrush racemes are extremely fragrant and smell like grape bubblegum.
How to Grow and Care for Actaea (Baneberry) - The Spruce
Jul 10, 2024 · Actaea (baneberry, bugbane) is an easy-to-grow plant that provides drama in shade gardens. Follow these tips on growing conditions and care.
Actaea (syn. Cimicifuga): Bugbane - Portland Nursery
Facts: Actaea. Family: Ranunculaceae. Genus: Actaea (syn. Cimicifuga) Common Name: Bugbane, Cohosh, Baneberry, Snakeroot, Fairy Candles, Doll’s Eyes, Herb Christopher. Origin: A. racemosa and A. pachypoda — East coast of N. America from Ontario to Georgia. A. simplex and A. matsumurae – Mongolia, Eastern Russia, and Japan.
Actaea - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Actaea Family: Ranunculaceae Uses (Ethnobotany): Baneberry was used as a medicinal plant by American Indians. Life Cycle: Perennial Recommended Propagation Strategy: Division Seed Country Or Region Of Origin: USA, Europe Distribution: Mountains, Piedmont; gardens Wildlife Value: Attracts butterflies, bees, beetles, flies, and hummingbirds.
Baneberry - Actaea simplex | North Carolina Extension Gardener …
Bronze foliage, flowers white with a pink tinge. The fragrant white flowers are in clusters held above the foliage and appear like a bottle brush. Bloom time is late summer to fall. Dark green attractive foliage is compound and deeply cut: trifoliate and pinnate basal leaves, and toothed leaflets. The compound leaves can be 1 foot long and wide.
Growing Actaea - White Flower Farm
Growing Actaea. Latin Name Pronunciation: ak-tay'uh. Use in woodland gardens, perennial borders, edge of shade garden or wildflower garden. Clump forming perennial. Very small white flowers in terminal racemes 2-3" long; blooms late spring to early summer. Spikes of shiny red berries follow in late summer to early fall; poisonous. Ht 18-30"; 1 ...
Actaea 'Chocoholic' - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Actaea is a genus of about 8 species of spreading woodland herbaceous perennials from temperate regions of North America. They are good plants for woodland gardens as well as shady flower borders with their showy terminal flowers and berries albeit the berries are highly toxic if …
Actaea rubra - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Red baneberry is a herbaceous perennial plant in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) native to North America. It is found in woodlands and other shady areas in moist to wet soils. It is a cool summer plant and is not found in the southeastern USA, Texas or Mexico.
Actaea (Baneberry) - Expert Tips for Gardening Success
Actaea, also known as Baneberry or Bugbane, is a stunning addition to any garden with its striking foliage and fragrant flower spires. Here are some expert tips for the successful cultivation of this dramatic plant: