Biometric residence permits (BRPs): What a BRP is - GOV.UK
A biometric residence permit (BRP) can be used to confirm your: identity; right to study; right to any public services or benefits you’re entitled to
Biometric residence permits: general information for applicants ...
Feb 7, 2022 · biometric residence permit (BRP) or biometric residence card (BRC) This guidance offers information to account providers about BRPs and BRCs.
Biometric residence permits (BRPs): Getting your BRP if you …
Biometric residence permits (BRP) - what they are, personal data, how to report problems.
Biometric residence permits (BRPs): If your BRP is expiring - GOV.UK
Biometric residence permits (BRP) - what they are, personal data, how to report problems.
Online immigration status (eVisa) - GOV.UK
Oct 30, 2023 · If you have a biometric residence permit You can use your valid or expired BRP to create a UKVI account to access your eVisa.
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Biometric residence permits (BRPs): Prove your status without a …
Biometric residence permits (BRPs) are being replaced by eVisas. An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status which you can use to prove your status instead of a BRP.
Report a change of circumstances if you have a visa or BRP - GOV.UK
You must report any changes in your circumstances if you’re in the UK and have a valid biometric residence permit (BRP). How you do this depends on whether you have an eVisa or not.
Media factsheet: eVisas – Home Office in the media
Apr 17, 2024 · The Home Office has launched a phased rollout of eVisas to biometric residence permit (BRP). Initially this is to BRP holders by email invitation only, being sent in phases. The service will open to all BRP holders from summer 2024.
Biometric residence permits (BRPs): If your BRP is lost or stolen
Biometric residence permits (BRP) - what they are, personal data, how to report problems.