Burbot Guide - New York Natural Heritage Program - NYNHP
Burbot are found in cold-water lakes and large, cool rivers in 10 of the 18 New York watersheds: Allegheny, Black, Champlain, Erie-Niagara, Ontario, Oswegatchie, Oswego, Raquette, St. …
In New York, Burbot have a sporadic distribution across the different lakes and medium to large sized rivers that contain cold-water habitat. They are native to 10 of 18 watersheds in the state …
productive when burbot move from deep waters to shoal areas to spawn in late winter. Caught on light tackle, burbot can be excellent fighters, and they can reach sizes many of New York’s …
Burbot - Wikipedia
The burbot (Lota lota), also known as bubbot, [2] mariah, [3] loche, cusk, [4] freshwater cod, [5] freshwater ling, freshwater cusk, the lawyer, coney-fish, lingcod, [6] or eelpout, is a species of …
Burbot: New York’s Misunderstood Cod Cousin
Feb 25, 2023 · Burbot inhabit cold rivers and streams and deep, cold-water lakes across North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. Adult burbot are often between 12 and 24 inches long, but …
Burbot Status - New York Natural Heritage Program - NYNHP
Vulnerable in New York - Vulnerable to disappearing from New York due to rarity or other factors (but not currently imperiled); typically 21 to 80 populations or locations in New York, few …
Freshwater fish, wildlife added to NY's endangered species list ...
Oct 2, 2024 · Burbot. Proposed status: unlisted to special concern. Background: Burbot are the only freshwater member of the cod family. They are found on the outskirts of the Adirondack …
The Outside Story: Lake Champlain Burbot - The Adirondack …
Feb 13, 2013 · In New Hampshire, burbot are found in water bodies from the Connecticut Lakes to Lake Winnipesaukee and the Squam lakes. Burbot are long and thin, which explains how a …
Oneida Lake Education Initiative - seagrant.sunysb.edu
Burbot are cold-water fish found sporadically across New York. They usually live at great depths in large lakes and rivers, but are sometimes found in cool water streams that have plenty of …
Wildlife, Fish, and Marine Life Newsletter - New York State …
Regardless, burbot are one of the most unique freshwater fish species that calls New York home. With their long slender bodies, double dorsal (top) fins, flattened head, and single barbel …