Box Elder | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Common Name (s): Box elder, Manitoba maple, ash-leaved maple. Scientific Name: Acer negundo. Distribution: North America (most commonly in central and eastern United States) Tree Size: 35-80 ft (10-25 m) tall, 1-2 ft (.3-.6 m) trunk diameter. Average Dried Weight: 30.2 lbs/ft 3 (485 kg/m 3) Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .42, .49.
Boxelder - Wood
Dec 18, 2024 · Boxelder's comparatively soft, light wood never attained the woodworking status of the hard and often distinctively grained sugar maple. Yet, where it grows to any great size, it finds its way with other nondescript maples into slack barrels, boxes and crates, woodenware, and inexpensive furniture.
Box Elder Wood Uses - The Forestry Pros
Boxelder is a lovely wood to turn, and beautiful grain patterns are visible with red streaks caused by the fungus (Fusarium negundi). The lumber’s brittleness must be considered when working with Box Elder, but apart from that shortcoming, it is …
Boxelder Tree Wood: Properties, Colors, Uses & Workability
Dec 14, 2022 · Boxelder wood is a fast-growing type of Maple Tree found in the United States. Its scientific name is Acer negundo, which gets classified as soft maple, and referred to as Ash-leaved Maple. Despite being a soft Maple, it is still hardwood with a yellowish-brown color. It also has straight grains.
Box Elder Wood Uses, Properties, Advantages, and Disadvantages
What is box elder wood? Box elder wood is a yellowish-brown hardwood with straight grain. There may also be other colors that are part of it. Our assessment of its appearance is quite good. This wood is rarely used and is harvested in small quantities by hobbyists.
Boxelder Wood - Makers Woodshop
Boxelder is a soft, fast-growing maple tree native the the US. Box elder can survive for 75 to 100 years. Sometimes called “Ash-leaved Maple”, they are generally considered a “weedy” tree. The red stain is produced by the tree’s natural defenses when wounded.
Is Boxelder Good For Wood Woodworking | Woodwork Center
Boxelder wood offers several advantages that make it a great choice for woodworking projects. Here are some of the pros of using Boxelder wood in your woodworking endeavors: Unique Aesthetic Appeal: One of the standout features of Boxelder …
Box Elder - Flaming Lumber - Rare Woods USA
Manitoba Maple|Box Elder From the same genus as Maple, this species has a similar yellow/light brown base color. Pink/red streaks can provide a wonderful contrast to that base color.
Woodsense: Spotlight on Boxelder - Woodcraft
Mar 27, 2024 · Except for being a bit brittle, boxelder stock is light-colored, f ine-textured, and close-grained. Normally lackluster, the wood sometimes displays raspberry-colored streaks caused by fungal infection. When wet or unseasoned, boxelder offers up a nasty aroma that fades once the wood dries.
Box elder - Canadian Woodworking
Jan 28, 2016 · Box Elder is the most widely distributed maple in the Americas. In North America, it ranges from the east to the west coasts and then from northern Canada, south to Guatemala. It is a small maple, typically 40 – 50 feet tall, with diameters of 12 – 20 inches.