Character Creation | FFXIclopedia - Fandom
The Face and Hair labels match the actual Character Creation screen. Use the tables below to quickly pick out your favorite looks or easily make side-by-side comparisons for character …
Days and Directions of Synthing | FFXIclopedia | Fandom
I had heard that the Crystals were affected by the days of the week and the directions you face. Through many trials and many more lost crystals, I found out the days and direction needed …
Races - FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Vana'diel contains 5 playable races. The 5 playable races are comprised of 16 character models for each race and applicable gender for a total of 128 Character Models. If that's not enough, …
Face of the Future | FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Now able to collect: With the Bundle of half-inscribed scrolls, speak to Rholont in Southern San d'Oria (S) (E-7) after completing the quest Face of the Future for a cutscene and to learn …
Faceguard | FFXIclopedia - Fandom
Smithing (9/20) Yield: Faceguard x 1 HQ 1: Faceguard +1 x 1 Wind Crystal 1 x Bronze Sheet 1 x Sheep Leather 29 Brass Mask 87 Coeurl Mask Smithing (9/20) Yield: Bronze Ingot x 1 HQ 1: …
Character Creation/Mithra Models | FFXIclopedia | Fandom
The following, illustrated table features the High-Quality rendered portraits of each of the 16 Mithra of the 128 playable Character Models. Clicking an image will display the full-size version.
Mithra - FFXIclopedia | Fandom
The ancient Roman Empire had a following known as the Cult of Mithra, who would only allow males into their ranks. This strikes a chord of irony with FFXI's Mithra, who are a …
Elvaan - FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Unlike elves in many western RPGs, the Elvaan in FFXI resemble more closely the ones from Norse mythology than the Tolkien archetype. Face Type Distribution [] See Also [] Elvaan …
FFXIclopedia | Fandom
FFXIclopedia is a comprehensive database focusing on the Japanese massively multiplayer online role-playing game Final Fantasy XI developed and published by Square Enix. It is …
Character Creation/Elvaan Models | FFXIclopedia | Fandom
Exploring FFXI. FFXI Basics. Free Trial; Character Creation; Jobs; Records of Eminence; Trust Magic; Food; Transportation; Experience Points; Merit Points; Stats & Combat. Combat Skills; …