Mic Fostex M77RP | MicPedia.com
It is equipped with a multi-position switch to fine tune its frequency response characteristics. The M77RP is internally shock-mounted exhibiting extremely low handling noise and wide …
Fostex M77RP Printed Ribbon 1981 Gray Metal - Reverb
sE Electronics X1R | Passive Ribbon Microphone. New with Full Warranty! View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. I …
Fostex M77RP Cardiod Printed Ribbon Microphone - Reverb
Fostex M77RP Cardiod Printed Ribbon Mic with Fostex Pouch. Great microphone. Getting harder to find. Just not being used.
The Fostex Model M77RP - Coutant
Microphone description, technical specifications, and diagrams are from the Fostex Pro Sound Division catalog, ©April, 1986, provided via the courtesy of Mr. Masaki Shimmachi at Fostex. …
Fostex M77rp #1 - Soviet American Audio Systems
This is a very hard-to-find Fostex M77rp "Regular Phase" microphone, which was marketed by Fostex as their Regular Phase kick drum microphone, but we've found that it excels in every …
Fostex M77 RP Archives - Two notes
Product micname7 / Fostex M77 RP. Filter. Showing all 8 results. Selections. Recommended for. Clean / Funk / Jazz . Blues / Country . Rock & Pop Classics . Modern Rock . Metal . Product …
Fostex M22RP/M20RP printed ribbon mics - Gearspace
Oct 26, 2005 · Owned quite a few of the Fostex mics, including the RP88, M22RP & M20RP. Great sleeper units for the money; have a warm focused sound that isn't too hyped. They …
The Figure-Eight Microphone Thread - Page 2 - Gearspace
Some older Fostex M77-RP and M-11RP were uni directional as well as those old RCA BK-5 mics and probably some more I am unaware of. What figure-eight mics do you folks use? And: Why …
Fostex M77 RP Archives - Two notes
You, that's who - with over 400 cabs in our catalog we like to think we have all bases covered - but you are proving us wrong. This has been noted and we are going to do something about it …
DIATONE M-S07、FOSTEX GX10と比較 | イイ音聞いてる?
Mar 24, 2020 · diatone m-s07とfostex gx10と比較です。 両者、非常によく似ておりますんで、相違点を探っていきたいと思います。 ※記事中の画像は左がDIATONE M-S07、右 …