Gezras of Leyda - Witcher Wiki
Gezras of Leyda, born in the 11th century, was a witcher notable for founding the current incarnation of the School of the Cat. Gezras was born a half-elf, a fact that made him despised by his foster father, who considered him an abomination.[1]
Geras - Mortal Kombat Wiki
Geras is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. An immortal, artificial construct created by the former Keeper of Time, Kronika, he is the current Keeper of Time and the Guardian of the Hourglass in Liu Kang's newly created timeline.
The Witcher: Notable Characters from the School of the Cat - Game Rant
Apr 1, 2022 · Though the player doesn’t meet the Witcher Gezras in The Witcher 3, he’s an important figure in the history of the School of the Cat. The original founders of the Witcher school had...
Daily card discussion - Gezras of Leyda : r/gwent - Reddit
Nov 21, 2022 · Gezras virtually never plays for anywhere near his provision value. ST movement on the whole (still one of the most elegantly designed, fun to play archetypes in Gwent) is nearly unplayable in general because of how cheap and easy control is.
Gezras Of Leyda - Founder Of The School Of The Cat - YouTube
Jan 2, 2021 · Gezras of Leyda, A mutation gone wrong led to him creating a new incarnation of the school of the cat, a group more emotional and unhinged than before.If you...
[CDPR Canon] Gezras of Leyda is my favorite Witcher School ... - Reddit
Gezras of Leyda was one such emotionally heightened reject. He led a revolt with his rejected brothers, killing the Mages and the old guard of the School of the Cat. Seeing their heightened emotions as a blessing, he rebuilt the school to focus on …
Gezras of Leyda - Witcher
Cards with Adrenaline are highlighted when their effect is stronger. “Take a contract from Aen Seidhe over a dh'oine any day, as you’re far less likely to receive a knife between the ribs in place of coin.” — Gezras. Melee: At the end of your turn, move self to the Ranged row and boost a random allied unit on this row by 1.
Likelihood of Gezras balance? Is he meta defining? : r/gwent
Jan 12, 2021 · Hi everyone. New player here and loving this game. Recently managed to mash together a ST deadeye deck. Since I'm F2P, resources are limited so I…
雷达的吉兹拉斯 - 猎魔人中文维基 | 獵魔士中文維基 | 巫师狩魔猎 …
雷达的吉兹拉斯(Gezras of Leyda)是一位残忍极端的半精灵 猎魔人,猫学派的创立者。 任何时候都要尽量接艾恩·希德的委托,而非人类的,否则钱还没拿到,肋条上却挨上一刀。
Gezras Leydańczyk | Wiedźmin Wiki | Fandom
Gezras Leydańczyk – wiedźmin, założyciel obecnie znanej Szkoły Cechu Kota [1]. Gezras był półelfem, jego przybrany ojciec go nienawidził i uważał za coś obrzydliwego. Gdy był mały, został sprzedany magom z Zamku Stygga, gdzie został wyszkolony na wiedźmina [1].