Ganzi - Ancestries - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition …
While some ganzis are born of mortals who mingled with the inchoate beings of the Maelstrom, and some are descended from those who sailed that cerulean void, many others are born in places where the Material Plane frays toward chaos. Whatever their roots, all ganzis share the same potent essence.
Ganzi - d20PFSRD
Physical Description: No two ganzi look alike, but most appear human with one or two unusual physical qualities—often slowly-shifting patterns of birthmarks on their hands, feet, or faces. A rare few display reptilian or birdlike qualities such as scaly skin, feathery hair, or …
Ganzi - Races - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
A sizable minority of ganzis appear completely human early in life, their anarchic heritage manifesting shortly after puberty in a chaotic—and traumatic—spasm of rapid evolution. While ganzis are most commonly of human stock, it is not unknown for …
Human/Ganzi Gunslinger ideas : r/Pathfinder2e - Reddit
Sep 14, 2022 · I'm currently building a Human/Ganzi Gunslinger and need some feat suggestions and such. I'm thinking of going with Way of the Drifter and throwing some Magus archetype feats for spellstrike and some basic casting.
Ganzi - 1d6chan
Ganzis are the end result of planar chaos touching living creatures. Where the planes brush against the Material Plane or where chaotic inhabitants (be they chaos beasts, proteans, valkyries, or others) affect or influence mortal life, ganzis are …
Ganzi - PathfinderWiki
Ganzis 1 are nephilim planar scions who have been mutated by the chaotic energies of the Maelstrom. 2. This article is a stub. You can help us by expanding it. See the Meta page for additional sources. Ganzis often are born randomly, in …
Ganzi - Heritages - Ancestries - Archives of Nethys
You gain the ganzi trait in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You gain resistance to a single damage type equal to half your level; at the beginning of each day, determine randomly whether this resistance applies to acid, electricity, or sonic damage.
Planar Heritage - d20PFSRD
You can trace your ancestry to a type of native outsider, even though you yourself are otherwise fully human. Prerequisite(s): Human. Benefit(s): Choose one type of native outsider (such as ganzi). You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race.
Planar Heritage - Feats - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG …
You can trace your ancestry to a type of native outsider, even though you yourself are otherwise fully human. Prerequisites: Human. Benefit: Choose one type of native outsider (such as ganzi). You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race.
Ganzi - Ancestries - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition …
A few even grow out of these tendencies eventually. If you want a character that channels the spontaneous and the unpredictable, that defies categorization while still finding commonality with other nonconformists, you should play a ganzi.