Kanban - A brief introduction - Atlassian
Kanban cards facilitate visual tracking of task progress and promote transparency within the team. By structuring your kanban flow in this manner, you can streamline your software development …
Kanban - Een korte introductie - Atlassian
Een digitaal of fysiek Kanban-bord zorgt ervoor dat het team hun werk visualiseert, hun workflow standaardiseert en direct alle blockers en afhankelijkheden identificeert en oplost. Een …
What is a Kanban Board? - Atlassian
A kanban board is used throughout the lifecycle of a project whereas a scrum board is cleared and recycled after each sprint. A scrum board has a set number of tasks and strict deadline to …
Wat is een kanban-bord? - Atlassian
Een kanban-bord wordt gedurende de hele levenscyclus van een project gebruikt, terwijl een scrumbord na elke sprint wordt gewist en gerecycled. Een scrumbord heeft een vast aantal …
Qu'est-ce qu'un tableau Kanban - Atlassian
Un tableau Kanban est utilisé tout au long du cycle de vie d'un projet, alors qu'un tableau Scrum est nettoyé et recyclé après chaque sprint. Un tableau Scrum possède un nombre de tâches …
4 Kanban Principles for Agile Project Management - Atlassian
Following Kanban principles is essential for successful implementation. Use this fundamentals guide to maximize Kanban effectiveness.
The Jira Software Cloud REST API - Atlassian
The projectTypeKey for software boards must be 'software' and the projectTemplateKey must be either com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-kanban-template or com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-scrum …
O que é um painel Kanban? - Atlassian
Um painel Kanban é uma ferramenta física ou digital de gerenciamento de projeto que auxilia na visualização de trabalho, limitação de trabalho em andamento e maximização de eficiência …
Tudo sobre Cartões Kanban - Atlassian
Um cartão Kanban é uma representação visual de um item de trabalho. É um componente essencial do método Kanban, uma estrutura de gerenciamento de trabalho que ajuda a …
4 Kanban Metrics You Should Be Using in 2024 - Atlassian
To master Kanban, you need to be familiar with four essential Kanban metrics—lead time, cycle time, work-in-progress, and throughput. In this guide, we'll dissect these four Kanban metrics, …