Kanjar - Wikipedia
In Pakistan, two distinct communities go by the name Kanjari. Over the centuries they became associated with the profession of peripatetic craftsmen and entertainers, best known for the …
Kanjar - Encyclopedia.com
Kanjar are an ancient, widely dispersed, and endogamous population of nomadic artisans and entertainers spread throughout Southwest Asia.
Kanjar - History and Cultural Relations - World Culture …
Kanjar figure in local traditions and folklore and practically all villages and urban centers are visited by them at least twice each year. The nature of their peripatetic subsistence activities …
Kanjar Tribe, History, State, Dance - Vajiram & Ravi
The Kanjar are a nomadic tribe or group of people of North India, Kashmir, and Pakistan. They are most concentrated in the fertile and more densely populated areas of the Indus River …
Kanjar - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kanjar are a nomadic tribe or group of people of North India, Kashmir and Pakistan. [1] The Mirasi tribes are also probably related to them. These people are also sometimes called by the …
Kanjari language - Wikipedia
Kanjari (also known as Kangar Bhat, Kangri, Kuchbandhi or "the Gypsy language" [2]) is an unclassified Indic tribal language of Pakistan and India, associated with the Muslim Kanjar …
Kanjar - Orientation - World Culture Encyclopedia
Kanjar are an ancient, widely dispersed, and endogamous population of nomadic artisans and entertainers spread throughout Southwest Asia. They are widely known as singers, dancers, …
Kanjar - World Culture Encyclopedia
"Kanjar Social Organization." In The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross Cultural Perspective, edited by Aparna Rao, 247-265. Cologne: Bohlau Verlag.
Kanjar - Bharatpedia
Kanjar is a hindu tribe with significant populations in India and Pakistan. The Kanjari language is spoken mostly by the Kanjari people living mostly in Lahore. Kanjari is a lesser-known Indo …
Oct 17, 2024 · KANJAR TRIBE. Origin of Name: The term “Kanjar” is derived from Kananachara, meaning wandering in the forest. Region: Primarily resides in the Hadoti region. Occupation: …