A Guide on Logical Equivalence Checking - Design And Reuse
This paper presents why LEC (Logical Equivalence Check) is important in the ASIC design cycle, how to check it, and what to do when LEC is failing. We will explore a test case to see what …
Conformal LEC Dofile Arguments. - Logic Design - Cadence …
LEC. SETUP> echo $FOO. or. TCL_SETUP> puts $env(FOO) A user made wrapper script around lec could provide this feature too. -ts
Understanding Logic Equivalence Check (LEC) Flow and Its …
Logic Equivalence Check, popularly known as LEC is one of the most important parts of the ASIC VLSI design. Formal verification techniques have been developed using mathematical proof …
Equivalence checks and Formality - LinkedIn
Jan 28, 2021 · do file commands. Invoke Conformal LEC inside Equivalence checking directory in non-GUI by using the command “lec –xl –nogui -color -64 -dofile counter.do”
Physical Design & ASIC blog: Conformal tutorial to run it
Apr 1, 2010 · Conformal Logic Equivalence Checking (LEC) This tutorial provides a quick getting-strated guide to Cadence Conformal logic equivalence checking. The basic flow is to input …
Help on CONFORMAL LEC flow using Synopsys's Design …
These sample dofiles are in the "web interface" documentation. You can access them with "set web on" and then open the browser URL in PC or linux. The WI also has a good document on …
Logic equivalence checking - Forum for Electronics
Oct 3, 2011 · Do file is nothing but your own way of generating the comamnds. 1. Set the log file. 2. Read the .lib. 3. Read the golden and revised files. 4. Set the mapping rules. 5. Compare. 6. …
Conformal- LEC - Logic Design - Cadence Technology Forums
When I setup the design I got the message like $ modules are output for Hierarchial do file yet the do file is not created. What may be the reason? I just used a simple verilog design. Make sure …
1. Understanding LEC basic interface (modes) and command format. 2. Setup environment for simple equivalence checking task. 3. Run LEC in shell mode / script mode. Related Files : In …
Conformal-LEC/rtl2net/hier_env/rtl2net_hier.do at master ... - GitHub
formal verification environment from cadence. Contribute to davideschiavone/Conformal-LEC development by creating an account on GitHub.
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