Manaaki Tangata | Mirimiri with Teena
It encompasses a range of culturally-specific responses to address the root causes of ill health, including the use of native plants (rongoā rākau), massage (mirimiri/romiromi), talking, (waiata) …
Manawa Ora Mirimiri & Workshops
At Manawa Ora Mirimiri & Workshops, we practice authentic, traditional Mirimiri which is respectful of the teachings of Māori healing passed down from generation to generation. The …
Mirimiri & Romiromi | Te Arateatea Trust
Mirimiri and Romiromi is a traditional Māori healing modality, that is used to whakatau/calm the tinana/body, hinengaro/mind, mauri/lifeforce and wairua/spirit. We shift trapped energies that …
Manawa Ora Mirimiri and Healing Workshops - Videos & Media
Learn about Mirimiri and Romiromi at the Manawa Ora Mirimiri and Healing Workshops with Jolie Davis. Learn about Maori culture and the belief systems that underpin everything that we do. …
MiriMiri - Āwhina Ora
Mirimiri is a practice deeply rooted in spiritual and cultural healing modalities, as part of a holistic approach. Mirimiri encompasses bodywork, whitiwhiti kōrero (support and advice), waiata …
Treatment: Mirimiri & Romiromi - Manawa Ora Mirimiri
Mirimiri and Romiromi seeks to restore energetic flow, balance, function and wellness to the person; therefore assisting the body to heal and access its own healing systems.
About — Maori Healers
Then there is the whanau Miri: Rau Miri - use of leaves, Koo Miri – tone / chant / karakia / whakamoemiti / takutaku / waiata, Paa Miri - the essence of their body (ahua pea), Taa Miri - …
Miri Miri Massage - Natural Therapy Pages NZ
Miri miri / Makoha massage takes much of its inspiration from the natural elements, specifically: A massage dance is preceded by a karakia (traditional prayer) and waiata (song) that will soothe …
Rongoā Māori | Mirimiri, Whitiwhiti Kōrero - ĀKI Innovations
Rongoā Māori refers to a wide range of traditional Māori healing modalities, incorporating holistic aspects of mind, body and spirit. For ĀKI we have chosen to offer Mirimiri, Whitiwhiti Kōrero …
mirimiri - contemporary Māori massage
Mirimiri promotes physical and spiritual well-being, fostering a deep sense of connection between the tinana (body) hinengaro (mind) and wairua (spirit). I’m a skilled practitioner who …