Metamorphoses (Kline) 4, the Ovid Collection, Univ. of Virginia E …
Bk IV:753-803 Perseus tells the story of Medusa. Bk IV:1-30 The Festival of Bacchus. But Alcithoë, daughter of Minyas, will not celebrate the Bacchic rites, in acceptance of the god. She is rash enough to deny that Bacchus is the son of Jupiter, and her sisters share in her impiety.
Medusa - Wikipedia
Although no earlier versions mention this, ancient depictions of Medusa as a beautiful maiden instead of a horrid monster predate Ovid. In classical Greek art, the depiction of Medusa shifted from hideous beast to an attractive young woman, both aggressor and victim, a …
More than a Monster: Medusa Misunderstood - Dartmouth
Sep 26, 2024 · This exhibition, "More than a Monster: Medusa Misunderstood", serves to highlight the other half of her story, as it appears in Ovid–Medusa as a maiden, not a monster–her overlooked and overshadowed past.
The Internet Classics Archive | Metamorphoses by Ovid
What wasteful havock dire Medusa made. Here, stood still breathing statues, men before; There, rampant lions seem'd in stone to roar. Nor did he, yet affrighted, quit the field, But in the mirror of his polish'd shield Reflected saw Medusa slumbers take, And not one serpent by good chance awake. Then backward an unerring blow he sped,
OVID, METAMORPHOSES 4 - Theoi Classical Texts Library
On them he laid Medusa's awful face, daughter of Phorcys;—and the living weeds, fresh taken from the boundless deep, imbibed the monster's poison in their spongy pith: they hardened at the touch, and felt in branch and leaf unwonted stiffness.
Double Trouble: Medusa and Embodied Paradoxes
Oct 24, 2021 · The backstory of a woman who is raped and demonized resonates powerfully with what we see in the headlines today. As Christobel Hastings writes in Vice, Ovid’s account reads less like an “ancient myth” than a “modern reality.” How has Medusa resurfaced today?
Medusa Character Analysis in Metamorphoses - LitCharts
Medusa is a cursed woman with snakes for hair. She used to be a beautiful woman until Neptune raped her and Minerva punished the act by cursing Medusa and giving her the power to turn people to stone with her stare.
Ovid (43 BC–17) - The Metamorphoses: Book 10 - Poetry In …
Ovid - The Metamorphoses: Book 10 - a new complete downloadable English translation with comprehensive index, and other poetry translations including Baudelaire, Chinese, European .
Medusa - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Medusa, one of the three monstrous Gorgons, was a snake-haired female who turned anybody who looked upon her to stone. She was finally killed by the hero Perseus, who used her severed head as a weapon against his enemies.
A Brief Synopsis of Ovid's Metamorphoses - ThoughtCo
Mar 28, 2019 · In Book VIII of the Metamorphoses, Ovid says the Phrygian couple Philemon and Baucis cordially received their unknown and disguised guests. When they realized their guests were gods (Jupiter and Mercury) -- because the wine replenished itself -- …