Phi Mu | Steadfast In Sisterhood | Faithful Sisters, Since 1852
Since 1852, Phi Mu Fraternity has challenged women to become their personal best. We are proud of our rich history as the second-oldest secret society for women in the U.S. and we …
About Us | Phi Mu at a Glance | The History of Phi Mu Fraternity
Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a …
History - Phi Mu
Phi Mu Digital History. Want to take a closer look at Phi Mu history? Phi Mu has partnered with HistoryIT to digitize some of the Fraternity’s archives. Visit Phi Mu’s Digital History to view …
myPhiMu · myPhiMu
Your Phi Mu Journey Continues! Join thousands of Phi Mus and claim your account today! Access important resources, update your profile, connect with sisters and stay engaged with …
Join Phi Mu - Phi Mu
Membership in Phi Mu is not just for women who pledged and were initiated in college. If you are interested in joining Phi Mu as an alumna, learn more. Considering Sorority Recruitment? …
Collegians - Phi Mu
Phi Mu is a place you can call home, offering sisters who will help you be your best and experiences that will enrich your life. As the second-oldest secret society for women, we offer …
PhiMu - Zeta Zeta
Phi Mu was founded in 1852 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, the first college chartered to grant degrees to women. Originally founded as the Philomathean Society, a literary club, we …
Phi Mu Alumnae | Forever Faithful | Reconnect With Phi Mu
Phi Mu is for a lifetime and our alumnae chapters provide a venue for making friends, networking and socializing. Many alumnae say they never dreamed, as a collegian, that they would have …
History - Phi Mu
Phi Mu was founded in 1852 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, the first college chartered to grant degrees to women. Originally founded as the Philomathean Society, a literary club, we …
Foundation - Phi Mu
In addition to supporting the philanthropic efforts and educational and leadership programs of the Fraternity, Phi Mu Foundation focuses on furthering the lifetime development of women …