Pygmy peoples - Wikipedia
In anthropology, pygmy peoples are ethnic groups whose average height is unusually short. The term pygmyism is used to describe the phenotype of endemic short stature (as opposed to …
Pygmy | Hunter-Gatherers, Rainforest, Central Africa | Britannica
Jan 8, 2025 · Pygmy, in anthropology, member of any human group whose adult males grow to less than 59 inches (150 cm) in average height. A member of a slightly taller group is termed …
African Pygmies - Wikipedia
African Pygmy" is used for disambiguation from "Asiatic Pygmy", a name applied to the Negrito populations of Southeast Asia. Dembner (1996) reported a universal "disdain for the term …
PYGMY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PYGMY is any of a race of dwarfs described by ancient Greek authors. How to use pygmy in a sentence.
A Short History of African Pygmies | Science | AAAS
Feb 5, 2009 · Despite their cultural variety, a new study shows that the pygmies of Western Central Africa descended from an ancestral population that survived intact until 2800 years …
Pygmy - New World Encyclopedia
In anthropology, a Pygmy is a member of a hunter-gatherer people characterized by short stature. They are found in central Africa as well as parts of southeast Asia. Pygmy tribes maintain their …
PYGMY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PYGMY definition: 1. A pygmy animal or bird is one of a type that is smaller than animals or birds of that type…. Learn more.
Why Pygmies of Africa Are So Short | Live Science
Apr 26, 2012 · Why the Pygmies of West Africa have such short stature, while neighboring groups don't, has been somewhat of a mystery. Now new research suggests unique changes in the …
African Pygmies
Pygmies.org is a website dedicated to the hunter-gatherer peoples living in Central African rainforests, commonly called Pygmies. The main aim of these pages is to provide an …
Pygmy - Meaning, origin and use of the word - Pygmies.org
"Pygmy", a term with numerous mythological and ethnographic referents, derives from the Greek word Πυγμαίος (Pygmaîos, via the Latin Pygmaeus), meaning approximately "one cubit high" …
African Pygmies, what's behind a name? - PMC
First, the prevalent historical use of the single exogenous term “Pygmy” to designate more than twenty human groups from the Congo Basin, de facto suggests that common historical, …
Pygmy - definition of pygmy by The Free Dictionary
Pygmy - any member of various peoples having an average height of less than five feet
Pygmies – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · The Pygmies, sometimes called the offspring of Poseidon and Gaia, were a race of dwarf-like creatures, notable for their astonishingly small size. They were said to live at the …
pygmy: Explore its Definition & Usage | RedKiwi Words - RedKiwi …
The term 'pygmy' [ˈpɪɡmi] refers to either a member of certain peoples of very short stature in equatorial Africa and parts of Southeast Asia or an unusually small person or thing. It can refer …
Pygmy - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
Deep in the rainforests of tropical Africa live a small people called Pygmies. Their name is derived from the Greek word pygme, or “fist,” a description that harkens back to the days when a …
pygmy, n. & adj. meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English …
What does the word pygmy mean? There are 11 meanings listed in OED's entry for the word pygmy , two of which are labelled obsolete, and two of which are considered offensive. See …
PYGMY Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
A member of any ethnic group in which the average height of the adult male is less than four feet, eleven inches. There are Pygmy tribes in dense rain-forest areas of central Africa, southern …
Pygmy Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
PYGMY meaning: 1 : a member of a group of very small people who live in Africa; 2 : a person who is regarded as very weak, stupid, etc.
Pygmy Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
A member of any of several groups of African or Asian peoples of small stature described in ancient history and legend. A member of a race of dwarfs. A member of any of several modern …
What does pygmy mean? - Definitions.net
A pygmy is a member of any ethnic group whose average height is significantly shorter than the global average. The term especially refers to indigenous communities found in Central Africa, …