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Ending Poverty In Community A Toolkit for Young Advocates Lesson 1 Putting a Face on Poverty: Who is Poor in America Today? Overview Using the most current data, 40.6 million Americans live below the poverty line (U.S. Census 2016). That’s one out of every seven Americans struggling to meet their basic needs. The numbers are staggering.
The Web of Poverty
In the United States, tens of millions of people live in a web of poverty. This video offers a unique insight into the complexity of poverty, how it connects to everything that we do and the factors that keep so many people and families entrapped.
Poverty Facts
Use our interactive map to take a closer look at poverty statistics in the United States. Who lives in Poverty USA? All those who make less than the Federal government’s official poverty threshold ... which for a family of four is about $25,700.
CST 101: Call to Family, Community, and Participation
CST 101 is a 7-part video series by the USCCB and Catholic Relief Services on Catholic Social Teaching. In this video, Msgr. Ray East, Jonathan Reyes, and Lisa Hendey discuss Call to Family, Community, and Participation.
Learn - povertyusa.org
How much do you know about poverty in the United States? Take Poverty USA’s interactive quiz to find out. Featuring both multiple choice and true-false questions, this quiz will help you to learn more about poverty and its impact on people across the country.
Poverty USA
Learn more about the reality of poverty in the United States and find out how PovertyUSA.org can help you to join the work to address its root causes. Learn Now Maps & Data
Poverty in The USA | Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The domestic anti-poverty program of the US Catholic Bishops, CCHD helps low-income people participate in decisions that affect their lives, families, and communities—and nurtures solidarity between people living in poverty and their neighbors.
Fighting for Healthier Communities - povertyusa.org
United Workers is a leadership development organization composed of low-wage workers who focus on poverty awareness, human rights, economics, and power dynamics. So, when the city wanted to install the nation’s largest trash burning incinerator in the low-income community of Curtis Bay, United Workers got to work and started a campaign to ...
Poverty Quiz
How much do you know about poverty in the United States? Take Poverty USA’s interactive quiz to find out. Featuring both multiple choice and true-false questions, this quiz will help you to learn more about poverty and its impact on people across the country.