Riparian zone - Wikipedia
A riparian zone or riparian area is the interface between land and a river or stream. [2] In some regions, the terms riparian woodland , riparian forest , riparian buffer zone , riparian corridor , and riparian strip are used to characterize a riparian zone.
RIPARIAN Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of RIPARIAN is relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse (such as a river) or sometimes of a lake or a tidewater. How to use riparian in a sentence. Did you know?
Riparian Zone: Definition and Characteristics - Biology Dictionary
May 17, 2018 · The riparian zone is an important biome in the water cycle, as well as in many independent nutrient cycles. The plants and animals in the riparian zone help to filter the water as it passes, helping to increase the water quality downstream.
riparian | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Riparian areas are plant communities contiguous to and affected by surface and subsurface hydrologic features of perennial or intermittent lotic and lentic water bodies (rivers, streams, lakes, or drainage ways).
Riparian - A Glossary of River Words - Merriam-Webster
noun 1 : subsurface water percolating beneath and in the same direction as a surface stream course 2 : the middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway which constitutes a boundary line between states.
RIPARIAN | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
RIPARIAN definition: 1. at the edge of a river, or relating to this area: 2. at the edge of a river, or relating to…. Learn more.
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Riparian Systems
Riparian forests and bottomlands are fertile and valued farmland and rangeland, as well as prime wa-ter-front property desired by developers. Since the early 1900s, riparian areas have been cleared and con-verted to use as pastures, cultivated fields, and hous-ing developments.
What Is A Riparian Zone? - WorldAtlas
Apr 25, 2017 · Riparian Zone is a transitional area between land and a river or stream. The zones are important in ecology, environmental management, and civil engineering as they have a critical role in plant biodiversity and soil management among others.
Riparian 101 | Riparian
In a nutshell: Riparian areas are the transition areas between the aquatic (water) and terrestrial (uplands) lands, where the extra water results in moist soils supporting water-loving vegetation. They are the green belts you see around rivers, lakes, wetlands, and streams.
Riparian Ecosystem - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A riparian ecosystem refers to a unique and fragile ecosystem that sustains diverse life forms and provides various ecological services such as flood control, habitat for biodiversity, and adaptation to climate change. It is important for the conservation and restoration of ecological sustainability.