The Ruler Game - Learn to Read a Ruler
Online games to help you learn to read a ruler, micrometer, clock + much more. Fun and educational for both children and adults.
New Inch Ruler Game - Learn to read a Standard English Ruler
Use this game to learn and practice your ability to read a standard English ruler (also known as an inch ruler, customary ruler, or imperial ruler). This game can be played using either a mouse or …
The Ruler Game - Learn To Read A RSuler
The Ruler Game Learn To Read A Ruler. Instructions: Use this game to improve how you read a ruler. After you click on the button that says, "Start New Game," the name of a measurement …
The Ruler Game - Learn to read a Standard English Ruler
This online game will help you learn to read a standard English ruler (halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths). Fun and easy for both students and adults. Menu
Ruler 1 inch by 16ths Quiz - PurposeGames
Ruler 1 inch by 16ths — Quiz Information. This is an online quiz called Ruler 1 inch by 16ths. You can use it as Ruler 1 inch by 16ths practice, completely free to play. There is a printable …
Measure Lengths Using The Ruler Games for Kids - SplashLearn
Find ruler measurement games suitable for kids' age and skill level, aligned with the curriculum. Select a game that focuses on measuring objects with a virtual ruler or involves converting …
The Ruler Game - Learn To Read A RSuler - math party
Click on the, "Start New Game" button to start a new game. Under Preferences turn the timer off before starting your game to disable the time feature. To make learning easier, you can …
Strolling with my Gnomies - A Measuring Game - ABCya!
Players stroll with a gnome through a garden and use a virtual ruler to measure the treasures they find. They can choose between inches and centimeters. Players can also choose to include …
Ruler Games: Metric Rulers and English Rulers activities
Ruler Games: Metric Rulers and English Rulers activities for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade
New Metric Ruler Game - Learn to read a Metric Ruler
Use this game to learn and practice your ability to read a metric ruler. This game can be played using either a mouse or a touchscreen. Press the Play Game button to begin playing the game.