linux - What is double dot(..) and single dot(.)? - Stack Overflow
On Unix-like operating systems every directory contains, as a minimum, an object represented by a single dot and another represented by two successive dots. The former refers to the …
Regex allow digits and a single dot - Stack Overflow
Regarding this \D only allows digits, but it doesn't allow a dot, I need it to allow digits and one dot this is refer as a float value I need to be valid when doing a keyup function in jQuery, but all I …
How to plot a single point in matplotlib - Stack Overflow
I'd like to plot a single point on my graph, but it seems like they all need to plot as either a list or equation. I need to plot like ax.plot(x, y) and a dot will be appeared at my x, y coordinates on …
windows - What are "." and ".." in a directory? - Super User
The single dot . is useful in linux where you want to run an executable in the current directory so you type ./a.out because the command shell by default doesn't search the current directory for …
Are the ‘dot’ and ‘dot dot’ files in Unix and Linux real files?
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What is the double-dot operator (..) in Javascript?
Nov 18, 2010 · It is indeed E4X. It does the same thing as the single dot operator, which selects children, but it selects all descendants. (It's by analogy with XPath's / operator selecting …
Regex to allow only a single dot in a textbox - Stack Overflow
Jul 31, 2014 · I have one text input. I wrote a regex for masking all special characters except . and -. Now if by mistake the user enters two . (dots) in input, then with the current regex var …
Allow only numbers and dot in script - Stack Overflow
Mar 21, 2012 · Am using this javascript for restrict users to type only numbers and only one dot as decimal separator. <script type="text/javascript"> function …
Add a single dot below each character using CSS
Jun 8, 2017 · I found some solutions for putting dots below the text (white dots below HTML text), but I don't want "dotted underlining", I want every character to have just a single dot below it. …
SMTP dot stuffing.. when and where to do it? - Stack Overflow
Aug 11, 2014 · In SMTP protocol the mail is terminated by a single dot and a newline character(s) In simple terms something like: \r\n.\r\n. The characters: CR LF DOT CR LF. Which …