SOCOM Commander's Priorities. Ensure SOF Readiness - Help our Nation win - Continue to build relationships - Prepare for the future - Preserve our force and families The SOF Enterprise. Collective Excellence
Location - MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.. Established - April 16, 1987. Commander - U.S. Army Gen. Bryan P. Fenton. Command Sergeant Major - U.S. Army Command Sgt. Maj. Shane W. Shorter. Deputy Commander - U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Sean M. Farrell . Vice Commander - U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Francis L. Donovan. Role - Provide fully capable Special Operations Forces to defend the United States ...
How-to-Join - SOCOM
U.S. Special Operations Command, Army Reserve Element - Detachment (location - Tampa, FL) is seeking: Cyber 17 series. Intel 35/ 350 series. Signal 26 series IO/CA 30/37/38 series. AG 42 series Unique or specialized civilian/military experience to include: AI, Tech, Data Analytics, Medical, Interagency Experience
U.S. Army 1st Special Operations Command was redesignated the U.S. Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) on November 27, 1990. The mission of USASFC is to train, resource, equip, validate and prepare Special Forces (SF) units to deploy and execute operational missions for the U.S. mili-tary’s geographic combatant commanders throughout the world.
Policies & Guidance - SOCOM
SOCPAC Army Reservists support the Command through both the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) and Troop Program Unit (TPU) programs within the US Army Reserve. •IMA Reservists are ADCON and OPCON to SOCPAC. •TPU Reservists are OPCON to SOCPAC, and ADCON to the SOCOM Army Reserve Element (ARE).
Policies & Guidance - SOCOM
Special Forces (Green Berets) units perform seven missions - unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, combating terrorism, and counter-proliferation. These missions make Special Forces unique because they are employed in peacetime, conflict and war.
U.S. Army Special Operations Command Joint Special Operations Command ... United States Special Operations Command 7701 Tampa Point Blvd ...
Image Viewer - SOCOM
SOCOM ARE provides trained Reserve personnel to augment and fully integrate into the SOCOM headquarters, JSOC and TSOCs, leveraging military experience, civilian skills, and availability to effectively meet peacetime, crisis, and wartime requirements on a timely basis.
Located at Fort Liberty, N.C., JSOC is a subordinate, unified command assigned to the United States Special Operations Command. We are a unique organization, trusted with America’s hardest problems.
The USSOCOM Army Reserve Element was established on 31 October 2013, tasked with the management of the Troop Program Unit (TPU) positions and Soldiers supporting USSOCOM. To learn more about USSOCOM, check out: X (twitter.com) , Tip of …