Fostex T50RP Mods Compendium - Super Best Audio Friends
May 6, 2018 · Modded T50RP mk3 (Vibro Labs TP1 in progress) Yes, the order of these is a little funky. But the idea behind it is I want to measure the unmodded T50RP mk3 as my baseline …
Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements
Jul 15, 2012 · What the graphs do not show, however, is the resonance and standing waves heard from Stock T50RP's and described throughout the main T50RP mod forum. Begin …
Fostex Mods for T20/40/50/ (60) RP series Mk3 - Head-Fi.org
Mar 23, 2015 · Mid bass can be reduced by closing external cup vents, you can basically transfer t50rp to t40rp if you close all four completely.. I closed three of them. Combination of the mods …
Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements - Head-Fi.org
Jul 15, 2012 · Getting a pair of t50rp on Monday, my first pair of “better” headphones and I choose it because of the flexibility in modding. Going to start listening on them without mods, then with …
MrSpeakers Mad Dog (T50RP Mod) - Head-Fi.org
Jun 14, 2012 · The stock, unmodified T50RP was lean on the low end bass experience and did not respond very well to Equalization. The Mad Dog responds very nicely to low end EQ via …
Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements - Head-Fi.org
Jul 15, 2012 · but could also be a nightmare :beyersmile: @p1zzap1e Mayflower uploaded a modification video for the T50RP MK3 a while ago. In my opinion a good starting point. IKR....it …
What's your favorite Fostex T50rp mod? - Head-Fi.org
Aug 8, 2018 · Basically a home made Mayflower Mk1 mod without the stiff felt on the back of the driver and using the best materials I could find in the UK. Now I understand the way people …
Modhouse Audio Argon - T50RP MK2/3 & T60RP - Head-Fi.org
Mar 29, 2018 · You can buy the complete MK3 package or send your existing MK2 /MK3 T20RP, T40RP, T50RP or Massdrop T-X0 for modification and can choose the pads and strap as …
Fostex T50RP - Simple mod recommendation? - Head-Fi.org
Jan 29, 2013 · I'm looking to buy a decent new set and have been intrigued by all these intense modifications that people have been doing to the Fostex T50RP's. I had no idea how …
Fostex T50RP modification summary links - Head-Fi.org
Sep 13, 2011 · Here is to be collected links to the most instructive posts on how to modify the Fostex T50RP, mostly from this thread: Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW! …