DIG DUG aka Taizo Hori: The Man with the Giant Drill
May 15, 2013 · The Dig Dug universe and some of its characters appear in the Mr. Driller games, starring Taizo Hori's son, Susumu. Additionally, he is also a playable character in the Japan …
Hero from the Underground,Taizo Hori (Dig Dug guy) for DLC
Jul 16, 2015 · Taizo Hori: the protagonist of the classic arcade game known as "Dig Dug". He his an arcade legends and along with the Mr.Driller series starring his son, he has been on a …
Work In Progress Can you dig it? Taizo Hori (Dig Dug) for Smash ...
Oct 31, 2018 · Taizo Hori: the protagonist of the classic arcade game known as "Dig Dug". He his an arcade legends and along with the Mr.Driller series starring his son, he has been on a …
make a crossover fighter with [INSERT IP HERE]. - Smashboards
Dec 8, 2021 · Namco Royale! Pac-Man (Pac-Man) Ghost Gang Ms. Pac-Man Professor Pac-Man Toc-Man Pac-Man 2 Gyaraga (Galaga) Boss Galaga Taizo Hori (Dig Dug) Pooka Fygar Mr. …
SmashBoards Creates: A Namco Platform-Fighter
Jun 7, 2023 · Taizo Hori and The Prince of All Cosmos (ssbashworld) Rick Taylor and Lloyd Irving (Me) Klonoa (DragonRobotKing26) Taira no Kagekiyo and Don-Chan (KneeOfJustice99) …
Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)
Dec 25, 2020 · Here are our submissions! Cress Albane The protagnist of the the first ever Tales game, Tales of Phantasia. This would be a swordfighter costume and would give the mii his …
Massive Crossover Fighting Game Roster. - Smashboards
Aug 13, 2015 · What originally got me into games like Smash and MvC was the amazing cast of characters. I always loved the idea of being able to smackdown Mario with Pikachu, or destroy …
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Bandai Namco DLC Discussion!
Dec 6, 2018 · Yo! So I made this thread to support the Bandai Namco characters as dlc for ultimate. (If there's a thread like this already, let me know i'll take this down.) I wanna be clear …
The ‘Would you rather have in smash?’ game thread
Mar 19, 2018 · Pooka over Taizo If Smash for 3DS and Smash for Wii U were developed by two different studios, which WYR happen? Sakurai and his team develop the 3DS version, while …
A game about the Triforce arcade board... - Smashboards
3: Taizo Hori 4: Klonoa 5: Valkyrie 6: Nightmare 7: Bravoman 8: Mappy 9: Prince of the Cosmos 10: Mr. Driller I'd imagine that it would be significantly less than 60 characters, which is why …