House Targaryen - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Targaryen of King's Landing is a noble family of Valyrian descent who once ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The Targaryen sigil is a red three-headed dragon, breathing …
House Targaryen | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
House Targaryen was one of the forty dragonlord families of the Valyrian Freehold, an empire that rose in Essos and dominated much of the known world. Due to their mastery of dragons, and …
House Targaryen | Ice & Fire Wiki | Fandom
The Targaryen sigil is a red three-headed dragon, breathing red flames on a black field, their house words are "Fire and Blood". House Targaryen ruled as the Kings of the Andals, the …
Heraldry - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Heraldry is the art and science of blazoning coats of arms. Heraldry is used by the royalty and nobility as a sign of status, and as such is an important part of the feudal society of the Seven …
House Targaryen - Symbols.com
The sigil of House Targaryen is a three-headed red dragon on a field of black, and their motto is “Fire and Blood”. The three heads of the dragon symbolize Aegon and his sisters and are an …
House Targaryen - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki
House Targaryen ruled as the kings of Westeros for nearly 300 years. Their seats were the capital city of King's Landing and the island castle of Dragonstone. Their sigil is a three-headed …
Game of Thrones Symbolism: The Targaryens - The ... - The Good Men Project
Nov 20, 2020 · In Game of Thrones, the Targaryens bring the magic and the fury. They represent a vitality and a mystery both inspirational and terrifying. The Targaryen sigil is a red three …
20+ Game of Thrones House Mottos and Sigils - Hative
House Targaryen Motto: The house motto of House Targaryen is “Fire and Blood,” which represents the house’s legacy of conquering and ruling with an iron fist. The Targaryen sigil is …
The use of House symbols - The World of Ice and Fire - Westeros
Nov 8, 2019 · Book story matter mentions people displaying the Targaryen 3-headed dragon symbol, as a flag or otherwise. But there are two meanings for a heraldic symbol. With real …
House Targaryen - Game Of Thrones Guide - IGN
House Targaryen's symbol is a three-headed red dragon on a black background and their motto is "Fire and Blood".