James Tubbs - Tarisio
James Tubbs was one of the finest and most prolific bow makers in the history of British violin making. His work rivals that of the finest French makers, and he is said to have made …
James Tubbs Bows For Sale - Tim Toft Violins
James Tubbs (1835-1921) was the pre-eminent British bow maker from the 1860s until his death. James Tubbs has had a bad press. Violin literature has characterised him as a drunk, from a …
James Tubbs - Wikipedia
James Tubbs (1835 – 1921) is one of the most celebrated English bow makers, and is considered "The English Tourte". Together with his son Alfred (d. 1912), he produced more than 5,000 …
Four James Tubbs bows in near-mint condition - Tarisio
Violin bow, pre-1900, silver mounted. Although this bow is silver and ebony mounted, it is made from the same fine figured pernambuco that Tubbs used often throughout his production. Its …
James Tubbs Violin Bow London circa 1900 - J.R. Judd Violins
The Jas Tubbs bow is simply an over-the-top professional violin bow waiting for a fine player. This bow is a combination of total elegance and utterly functional. Weight fully haired 58.0 grams.
Violin Bow by James Tubbs - Atlantic Strings Violin Shop
Antique violin bow by English bowmaker James Tubbs. Known as the “English Tourte” James Tubbs is one of the most celebrated bowmakers in Europe. Born in 1835, he initially received …
James Tubbs Violin Bow | Dolce Violins
A fine playing bow by James Tubbs made circa 1885. Rumored to have made over five thousand bows during his career, James Tubbs’ (1835-1921) output stands as some of the best bows of …
James Tubbs (1835-1921) - Dolce Violins
Tubbs’ bows are so exceptional that they were widely copied during his own time, even by the illustrious Pfretszchner and Bazin families. Today, they remain highly valued by both …
Violin Bow by James Tubbs, London, circa 1890 - Wright Fine …
Click here for pictures and information about our Violin Bow by James Tubbs, London, circa 1890. It is available to try in our Edinburgh shop or to view over video call.
Violin Bow by James Tubbs, London, circa 1900 - Wright Fine …
Click here for pictures and information about our Violin Bow by James Tubbs, London, circa 1900. It is available to try in our Edinburgh shop or to view over video call.