Valarr Targaryen - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
In 209 AC, Valarr was one of the original champions for the daughter of Lord Ashford at the start of the tourney at Ashford Meadow. However, his status as a Targaryen prince, grandson of …
Valarr Targaryen | A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki | Fandom
Valarr was the son of Baelor "Breakspear" Targaryen, the crown prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Raised as a future king, Valarr was trained as a knight alongside his brother Matarys …
Valarr I Targaryen - Kings of Westeros Wiki
King Valarr I Targaryen was Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and twenty-sixth Targaryen to sat on the Iron Throne. He was the last child of King Aegon VII Targaryen's and Queen Roslin …
Valarr I Targaryen | Reign of the Dragons Wiki | Fandom
King Valarr I Targaryen also known as Valarr the Valiant is the eldest child of King Daeron III Targaryen and Queen Jocelyn Baratheon. He is the Head of House Targaryen, King of the …
(Spoilers Extended) What is your opinion on Valarr Targaryen?
Jul 17, 2023 · That his name is one of the coolest of the entire Targaryen dynasty and that it's a shame they never used it again : ( Name of a random guard who Tyrion bosses about in …
Valarr Targaryen - Hielo y Fuego Wiki
El príncipe Valarr Targaryen, conocido como el Príncipe Joven, fue el hijo mayor del príncipe Baelor Targaryen y Lady Jena Dondarrion. Tuvo un hermano menor, Matarys. Su emblema …
Valarr Targaryen - ASOIAF Visual Reference Wiki
Prince Valarr was the eldest son of Baelor Breakspear. He was a shorter, slimmer, handsomer version of his sire, without the twice-broken nose that had made Baelor seem more human …
(Spoilers Extended) Was Valarr Targaryen Hand of the King?
May 4, 2022 · It’s debatable, but I believe that Valarr was the hand. His father was of course Baelor Breakspear, who was heir to the Iron Throne and Hand of the King. Valarr replaced …
Valarr Targaryen - Prince of the Seven Kingdoms : r/ITRPCommunity - Reddit
Jan 24, 2021 · Born to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Crown Princess, and Ser Owen Costayne on Dragonstone shortly after the birth of his twin sister, Visenya, in 197 AC. He …
Valarr Targaryen — La Garde de Nuit
Valarr Targaryen était un prince de la maison Targaryen, fils aîné du prince Baelor Targaryen et de Jena Dondarrion. Marié à Kiera de Tyrosh, ils n'eurent aucun enfant. La rumeur prétend …
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