Wairua Beauty | Best Holistic Facials in Miami | Clean Beauty …
Experience result-driven, non-invasive, high-tech facials using our clean beauty skincare curation. Our personalized rituals are designed to transform your skin, delivering glowing, healthy …
wairua - Te Aka Māori Dictionary
1. (noun) spirit, soul - spirit of a person which exists beyond death. It is the non-physical spirit, distinct from the body and the mauri. To some, the wairua resides in the heart or mind of …
Cape Reinga - Wikipedia
Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua (/ ˈreɪŋə /; sometimes spelled Rēinga, Māori: Te Rerenga Wairua) [1] is the northwestern most tip of the Aupōuri Peninsula, at the northern end of the …
For Māori, indigenous people of Aotearoa, wairua (spirituality) has always been acknowledged as a necessity of their health and wellbeing. However, what do Māori mean when
Māori have always recognised the significance of wairua for wellbeing and good health in general, and that this applies to all people. Wairua describes the capacity to have faith and to recognise …
Wairua - Wikipedia
Wairua may refer to: Wairua River, Wairua River is a river of Northland, New Zealand Wairua Falls, on the river; Wairua, a genus of spiders synonymized with Nomaua; Wairua (spirit), the …
What is wairua? | Defence Health Hub - New Zealand Defence …
For some people, wairua (spirituality) is about having faith and religious practices, for others it's an internal connection to the universe or the sacred. Hauora wairua describes our spiritual health.
Wairua - Te Korowai Aroha o Aotearoa
The wairua is the heartbeat, the core of Māori wellbeing. It has to be in balance with the tinana, hinengaro and ngākau in order for the person to be well. Click here to learn more
Ngā ara wairua: Spiritual pathways | He Paiaka Tōtara
Wairua has many different aspects. It’s not just about a god or gods. It’s a way of being, understanding, and connecting that’s very important in te ao Māori (the Māori world). It reflects …
wairua - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Nov 14, 2024 · wairua (plural wairuas or wairua) (New Zealand) A spirit associated with a person or thing, according to Māori beliefs.