Urban Dictionary: bum face
Sep 6, 2003 · bum face; n. chiefly british slang, derogatory 1. one who has a face that has a similar appearance to the buttocks 2. one who is of such an annoying temperament that they …
Putting My "Butt" In My BOYFRIENDS Face To See His Reaction!!
Putting My "Butt" In My BOYFRIENDS Face To See His Reaction!! I can not believe his reaction to me doing this! OUR LIMITED EDITION MERCH IS LIVE NOW!! Click this link to get it …
Bum Face - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The term "Bum Face" is a highly derogatory slang term used to describe someone with a face that resembles the buttocks or anus. It is often used as an insult to humiliate and degrade …
Slang Define: What is Bumface? - meaning and definition
Bumface - 1. (verb) the act of doing something incredibly foolish and ridiculous that causes one's own injury, or more likely, death. Natasha bumfaced down the stai.
your bummed - Urban Dictionary
To tell someone to fuck off, get lost, go to hell. Often accompanied by an upraised index and fore finger twisted together gesturing a upward thrusting motion. " Up your bum, you stinky fingered …
Bum (Slang) - Know Your Meme
Aug 8, 2024 · Bum is a slang term that has been used in various different contexts online for decades. Traditionally meant to mean someone who is lazy and doesn't have a job, the …
your bum - Urban Dictionary
Sep 1, 2003 · Get the your bum mug. A term originating from an infamous World of Warcraft guild on the Stonemaul-US Server. Players from <YOUR BUMMED> are known for their relentless …
butt-face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
butt-face slang A disagreeable, ignorant, ugly, incompetent, or irritating person. An impolite phrase, it is generally used by juveniles or in a juvenile manner.
bumface, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
[bum n. 1 (1) + -face sfx] a general term of disdain, usu. only used by children.
Bummed you - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of bummed you in the Idioms Dictionary. bummed you phrase. What does bummed you expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.