Urban Dictionary: bum face
Sep 6, 2003 · bum face; n. chiefly british slang, derogatory 1. one who has a face that has a similar appearance to the buttocks 2. one who is of such an annoying temperament that they are worthy of being compared to someone with a bum for a face 3. Someone with a bum for a face. And perhaps a face for a bum, although this is uncommon.
Putting My "Butt" In My BOYFRIENDS Face To See His Reaction!!
Putting My "Butt" In My BOYFRIENDS Face To See His Reaction!! I can not believe his reaction to me doing this! OUR LIMITED EDITION MERCH IS LIVE NOW!! Click this link to get it before it's gone!...
Bum Face - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
The term "Bum Face" is a highly derogatory slang term used to describe someone with a face that resembles the buttocks or anus. It is often used as an insult to humiliate and degrade individuals, particularly those who are perceived to be physically unattractive or socially undesirable.
Slang Define: What is Bumface? - meaning and definition
Bumface - 1. (verb) the act of doing something incredibly foolish and ridiculous that causes one's own injury, or more likely, death. Natasha bumfaced down the stai.
your bummed - Urban Dictionary
To tell someone to fuck off, get lost, go to hell. Often accompanied by an upraised index and fore finger twisted together gesturing a upward thrusting motion. " Up your bum, you stinky fingered bastard!" Get the up your bum mug. To give a person a quick and senseless dis or burn hence your bus ripped. Fuck you heev. Heev replys your bums ripped.
Bum (Slang) - Know Your Meme
Aug 8, 2024 · Bum is a slang term that has been used in various different contexts online for decades. Traditionally meant to mean someone who is lazy and doesn't have a job, the meaning has changed over the years as it has been adapted to different uses.
your bum - Urban Dictionary
Sep 1, 2003 · Get the your bum mug. A term originating from an infamous World of Warcraft guild on the Stonemaul-US Server. Players from <YOUR BUMMED> are known for their relentless …
butt-face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
butt-face slang A disagreeable, ignorant, ugly, incompetent, or irritating person. An impolite phrase, it is generally used by juveniles or in a juvenile manner.
bumface, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang
[bum n. 1 (1) + -face sfx] a general term of disdain, usu. only used by children.
Bummed you - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of bummed you in the Idioms Dictionary. bummed you phrase. What does bummed you expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.