StepOne qPCR Systems | Thermo Fisher Scientific™
SponsoredStepOne factory-calibrated systems make it easy to step up to high-performance qPCR. StepOne Real-Time PCR Systems. Request a quote or watch our video to learn more.Models: QuantStudio 6 Pro, QuantStudio 7 Pro, QuantStudio 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 FlexLuna® qPCR & RT-qPCR Products | qPCR Kits
SponsoredConduct Fluorescence-Based Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) With Luna® Products From NEB. Skip RNA Purification. Go Directly From Cells to RT-qPCR With Luna® Cell Ready Products.Types: WarmStart LAMP Kit, GMP-Grade Reagents, LunaScript RT SuperMix, Lyoprime LunaUsed Real-Time PCR System | Agilent Pre-Owned Instruments
SponsoredWhy Pay More? Choose Agilent Pre-Owned for confidence in your used instrument purchase. Expertly refurbished at incredible value. Choose Agilent Certified Pre-Owned Instruments.