Mesoscale eddies, oceanic gyres about 100 kilometers in diameter, are ubiquitous features of the global ocean and play a ...
Kiel. How is organic matter transported from productive coastal areas to the open ocean? Researchers from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and MARUM - Centre for Marine ...
Asgard archaea emerged as a key piece in the puzzle of how complex life evolved, acting as a potential link between simple archaea and eukaryotes—organisms like plants and animals whose cells contain ...
Mesoscale eddies, oceanic swirling currents with typical horizontal scales of 10-100 kilometres in diameter, are ubiquitous features of the global ...
Ten years ago, nobody knew that Asgard archaea even existed. In 2015, however, researchers examining deep-sea sediments discovered gene fragments that indicated a new and previously undiscovered ...
The initiation of bacterial transcription in E. coli serves as a model for transcription in Bacteria, Eukarya and Archaea. This is the first time that structural features of activator-driven ...
Bacteria form one of the three domains of life; the others are archaea and eukaryotes. Bacterial species and their habitats exhibit great diversity. A low-carbohydrate diet or host mismatch-repair ...