Mesoscale eddies, oceanic gyres about 100 kilometers in diameter, are ubiquitous features of the global ocean and play a ...
Microbial life thrives in some of the most extreme environments on Earth. Bacteria, archaea, and other microorganisms inhabit ...
Mesoscale eddies, oceanic swirling currents with typical horizontal scales of 10-100 kilometres in diameter, are ubiquitous features of the global ...
Kiel. How is organic matter transported from productive coastal areas to the open ocean? Researchers from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and MARUM - Centre for Marine ...
Protecting coastal groundwater systems and microbial communities requires monitoring, technological innovation, policies ...
The term greenhouse gas often brings carbon dioxide (CO2) to mind, and rightly so, as it is a key contributor to rising ...
By Harrison Tasoff “Out of Plain Sight” is not a story with a cheerful ending. Or truly an ending at all. The documentary ...
Overall, our study shows that Asgard archaea are found as a stable component in shallow sediment layers and have considerably diversified on macro- and microscales. Sediment cores were sampled from ...